Fights with Guys: 11/22/14

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10:23pm Saturday, November 22

I do NOT know how some chicks can have sex on their periods. Bruh. This shit is ridiculous. So. Much. Blood. Every morning is like Psycho in my shower. Every night my stomach aches and I can feel this whooshing river of blood pour out of me.

Today, I packed my stuff for Chicago. My mom, dad, and I leave tomorrow morning. I'm excited, but I'm also nervous. Can I handle relatives + sexually active cousins + period + cold weather + parents?

I think this will be a good trip.

Ah. I shaved myself from the waist down. I feel like an angel. I'm so soft and smooth and smell delicious. I understand why boys like girls.

I smell like berries & heaven.

I made chocolate chip oatmeal cookies. Dayum. They were fabulous perfection. It's all I ate today, basically.

I cannot wait to get on that plane and travel a little.

Guess what?
I got in a fight with Kota about his sexual encounters. Then, I got in a fight with Marc, my other lust-interest. Jesus Christ. I'd blame the period, but that's not it.

Kota is stupid and knows zip about sex. He claims he's had sex, and he doesn't even care. He doesn't care that I'm a virgin, he doesn't care about getting someone pregnant, barely cares about STDs and protection, he is dumb. I said some deep shit to him. I told him, when you have sex with a virgin THEY REMEMBER YOU FOREVER. YOU ARE NOW A PART OF THEIR LIFE, THEY WILL NEVER FORGET. YOU HAVE TAKEN A PIECE OF THEM.

He got so mad when I said all that. Suck my ass, Kota. You mother fucking inconsiderate bastard.
Better watch out when you get someone pregnant, because PULLING OUT IS NOT A FORM OF BIRTH CONTROL.

And Marc. He's this boy I used to like when I went to Catholic Church in Coalville with Cassie. Alliteration haha. (Coalville is the town over by the way) Anyhow, I had a gigantic crush on him when we were maybe eleven. Now, four years later, he comes swinging around looking for a piece of my ass. Dude. Of course, he's still pretty cute, and I'll ride that bitch until the wheels fall off, so we start snapchatting. You may have noticed, when I snap chat hot guys, sometimes I don't wear clothes. Soon enough him and I are sexting away. Mr. Catholic is quite sizable, by the way.

We got in a fight, because he says I don't compliment him enough. I think that's my line as the girl of this, but whatever. I had to bump up his ego after that. Marc is mostly mad, because I haven't sent boob pics that much this week since I have the sexual appetite of a piece of paper.

It's cool that Marc is into me now, but now I don't care. You know?

At least Marc is a virgin. At least Marc wants a RELATIONSHIP. I think I like that in a guy. A VIRGIN WHO CARES ABOUT VIRGINITY UNLIKE SOME SLUTTY JERKS.
Plus, Marc doesn't lie like Kota.

Hmm. Hmm. Hmm.

Let's see where life takes me.

Sidenote: On Friday, I skipped fifth period biology. I just went in the library with Madi and copied her bio notes. I still do the work, I just don't like the people in that class.

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