Weekend Anger: 3/14/15

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12:04pm Saturday, March 14

Hayley has a secret admirer who is leaving notes on her locker everyday, and I'm really excited for her!!

I hate my mom more than I like her. I don't know what to do about that. It's wrong to love my dad more, it's wrong to think maybe I could live without my mother, it's wrong to wish I was living someone else's life. But, I think and wish all those things more times than I would like to admit.

My mother thinks her problems are the only problems, and no one else's measure up. She thinks my life is interchangeable, and she tells me all the time to move out and see how it is in the "real world." If this isn't the real world, then I don't know what is.

If I haven't seen pain, then I don't want to see what pain really is.
If I haven't seen disgusting, terrible things, then I don't know who has.

Please, mother, stop saying you don't want me, because it cancels out every "I love you."

Even if I did try to make it on my own, I don't want to lose my virginity to a stranger and try to sell myself. I'd be too scared of being killed or who knows what else.

Fresh tears, fresh tears.

I used to not have any emotions, now I have a whole set. It's like going from Crayola water colors to Winsor & Newton Cotman.

I miss the days when I never cried, never cared, never loved, never dared.

Oh my god, I'm bleeding and in pain.

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