Spirit Week: 9/22/14

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9:53pm Monday, September 22

I was really worried about today, but it turned out good! I wore a simple black and white dress that fits me purrrrrfectly, I got it from a friend of my mom's. I just felt like overall, lovely day. This year I love my group of friends. We are all so diverse, and it's fascinatingly different from last year. So far only Scarlet has a date for homecoming. Looks like this will be my first dance going alone, but something about that feels good. I don't have to feel those horrid nerves or worry about getting a zit or brushing my teeth six times before the dance. I can just drift along happily, dancing with all the boys I please to and feeling free & alive. I'm excited for this weekend!

We have a pep rally every day this week which I find ridiculous. The school has decided to take time away from our education so that we can watch a small group of cheerleaders shake their asses and wave their arms in front of the student body. How productive. They don't even do any cool flips. That's the worst part! Not even a cartwheel. Just repetitive arm pumping & shirty remixes in the background of songs from 2011. I'm unimpressed if you couldn't tell.

Luckily, in art I didn't have to worry about R giving me his charming smile & eyes. We did a project in a big group. Just some paper work and review. Not very artsy, huh?

I have to wake up at five in the morning for the first time in a week and a half. Dad is off to New Jersey for some Ferrari training, so there's no one to drive me to school. Ugh. Lack of sleep is painful. Better get to sleep if I'm going to survive Tuesday. Gotta love Spirit Week. Today was camo day, tomorrow is twin day (I'll just wear some jeans and match up with a friend).

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