Preamble of the Triangle

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Let's discuss what I'm all about first and foremost.

I'm Blair, quite tall, medium build, blonde etc. I am organized, quirky, studious and kind if shy around some. I love indie/alternative music, I exercise pretty regularly but dislike team sports. My friends & I are far from conventionally popular, but I feel like I have enough relationships. I'm not much of a relationship girl. I can't seem to flirt or find any guy who likes me back, so it's a lost cause that doesn't bother me too terribly.

I've been going to Kasha Falls for a little over a year now, and it's far from a place filled with wonder & knowledge. But, it's what I've got in a small town of a little over a thousand. Our school has something close to 300 kids. I can't say I like it, but I've got great friends to help.

There's Hayley - she's fifteen, brunette with blonde tips and kind of a punk vibe going on. She's even more shy than I am by far, but if you're nice to her she can be fun as hell. Hayley is sweet. Not at all seen as a bitch. We've been best friends since seventh grade when I met her. I don't know where I'd be without her level head. Hayley is hard not to like.

Then Scarlet. Scarlet is a breed of her own. A wild redhead some days or mannerly & prim other days. I can never guess what she'll do next, she's always coming up with some new scheme. Bursting with ideas & creativity. Pretty much unforgettably crazy. Her & I have been friends since we were just little, but I'd say two years ago we really got close.

Put us all together and you've got the triangle. Sweet, spicy & posh. We are never bored when we're together. That's why we decided to put this story together. To remember all this. It's a kind of social experiment.

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