Boys & Bakery: 9/23/14

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3 pm Tuesday, September 23

What do you do in your free time? If someone asks that question I have an answer ready because I'm tired of looking useless:

Music, art, writing, cycling, walking, adventuring, imagining, discovering, thinking, contemplating & investigating

There. Good? Good.

It's rainy today, and I wish I could go for a walk in Kasha Falls. Maybe sit at the skate park and watch the bowl fill up with water, read a library book under an umbrella, eat an eclair from my favorite German Bakery. It's run by real Germans. They're a sweet family. I love to support local businesses like that. Kasha Falls is actually really quite quaint. I just want a bigger life for myself. I want multi cultural, multi national, multi libraries, an exotic night life & restaurants. I want to see the ocean. I want to feel that graffiti passion of color & art. I'm so fascinated by this earth. Especially all the colorful people. All those cities awaiting exploration. I want to learn all I can learn and experience all I can experience.

I don't know if I like Kota, but he looks at me, I look at him. He's really quite cute and about my age, just a freshman. He's a possibility.

And R? He's more of a fascination, because I want to learn about Germany. And he just so happens to be from there. But I don't think R is my type.

Who else is there? No one else really. I'm just hopeful and more curious than ever. I'll see how this all pans out. I'm still dateless for homecoming, so meow.

Anything earth shattering at school today, Blair? No, definitely not. Although we had day #2 of pep rally week, and it was less than peppy. Also, it was Twin Day, but my twin (Olive) gave me an unholy shirt to match hers that I refused to wear. Scratch Spirit Week day two yay!

This girl I may have mentioned before, Shyann, tattooed herself right on the stomach last week! She jaggedly cut a heart into her flesh then jammed it with ink I assume from a ballpoint pen. That was laughable, and it appeared infectious. She's unpredictable in a most dangerous way... I believe she does not like me much, but she still felt obliged to show me her engorged stomach. Far from earth shattering, but funny.

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