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The wind's bitter bite stung, even through his thick fur, as he pushed forward in the deep, packed snow.

So much had fallen in just the past few hours, it already came up to his chest. Chunks of it were clumping on his stomach and legs, weighing him down even more.

Where are you?

Almost home... Hongjoong huffed. He stopped to try and shake out his reddish fur. I. Hate. Snow.

Yeosang's voice chuckled softly in his head.  I know. But you are the one who insisted on going yourself.

I'm not going to let one of the others freeze to death. What kind of Head Alpha do you take me for? Silence answered him, making Hongjoong pause. Sangie?

Help is on the way. His mate's amused voice echoed in his mind.

What are you talking about? Hongjoong snarled, then shook his head when he didn't get an answer.

Leave it to his beta to tease and abandon him in the middle of a blizzard.

Yeosang was right though, as he always was. Hongjoong had volunteered to do a perimeter run so that no one else had to go out. In his defense, it wasn't snowing nearly this hard when he had started.

The alpha continued to push his body through the heavy snow for several more minutes, wearing out his tired body even more.

Then the wind's direction changed and he understood what Yeosang meant by help.

Like a shadow materializing out of nothing, Mingi came trotting forward from the direction of their home.

The younger alpha was tall enough the snow only came halfway up his legs, so he was able to push through it much easier than Hongjoong.

Did someone call for a rescue? Mingi asked, tilting his head playfully to the side.

No. Hongjoong huffed, sending a billowing cloud of mist swirling into the night.

A deep rumble came from the black wolf. Stop being so stubborn. Mingi stepped forward and grabbed Hongjoong by the scruff on the back of his neck.

Mingi! Put m- Put me down! Hongjoong flailed his legs and yapped in discomfort. I'm not a pup!

You sure are acting like one. Calm down, Joong. Mingi twisted and carefully set his alpha down on top of the snow.

At first, Hongjoong was worried he would sink down again, but the snow was cold and hard enough that it stayed firm below him.

His entire body trembled in the cold, especially when a sharp gust of wind blasted into his side.

Mingi immediately moved to work as a shield.

Even though he didn't say it, Hongjoong sent how grateful he was through their link as the two of them pushed forward to make it home.

As soon as the beautiful log house came into view, Hongjoong sped up with his desire to be in front of a warm fire.

Yeosang was waiting for him right inside the back door with a giant, fluffy blanket. As soon as he shifted, Hongjoong ran straight into his mate's embrace.

"Joongie, you're freezing!" Yeosang gasped. "I can feel you through the blanket, come on, get in front of the fire." The beta ushered him forward while rubbing his arms to generate heat.

Seonghwa was right behind them doing the same thing with Mingi, fussing over him even more so with the concern natural coming from an omega.

Both alphas sat down and leaned as close to the fire as they dared. It's warm crackles and pops were almost soothing to Hongjoong, welcoming him home and reminding him that he was safe indoors.

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