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As weeks faded quickly into months, most wounds began to heal for the pack.

Mingi's confidence slowly returned, mostly due to the constant support he received from his pack and especially from Theo.

The two of them had really solidified their communication so perfectly that Mingi had even started going on hunts again. With his now improved hearing and Theo's nose, they were the perfect scouts.

All Theo had to do was communicate with Mingi one on one to help direct him or let him know that an obstacle was approaching, and Mingi was able to avoid it or maneuver it with ease.

So even though he couldn't participate in the final kills anymore, Mingi was grateful he could at least help somehow.

His improved mood created a huge change for everyone, especially Wooyoung, who had spent hours upon hours upon hours pouring over his books to try and find a way to help the alpha regain his sight.

But time and time again, the only thing that stood a chance was the same cure he'd taken...

Wooyoung and Mingi spent several nights going over all the details, focusing mainly on the risks, and eventually included Seonghwa and the kids in the discussion as well.

In the end...

Mingi decided not to take the risk.

Yunho knew before anyone else, even Seonghwa, when Mingi had sought him out one night to ask his opinion.

They laid out in the grass behind their home in such a way that their heads could be next to each other while their long bodies stretched out in opposite directions.

"How many are there?" Mingi asked softly.

"Thousands." Yunho whispered back. "The north start seems extra bright tonight."

The alpha hummed, then let out a long, sad sigh. "What is it like for you, dealing with your back pain? How did you make your decision all those years ago?" He asked, voice softer than the breeze making the grass sway around them.

Yunho rolled onto his side so he could face his friend and frowned. "Is this about what Youngie has been saying?"

"Yes." Mingi admitted. "I... I don't think I can do it."

"It's a big decision to make... given what could happen." Yunho couldn't help but let out a small whine at the thought of losing his friend.

"It is." Mingi fell silent for a few seconds, then huffed a laugh. "We aren't all as strong as Wooyoung."

"No..." The beta agreed. "I would never risk taking it either. That's why I had Maria... but... part of me does regret it."

Mingi's forehead creased, and he rolled his head to the side to face Yunho. "Regret what?"

Or a moment, Yunho wished he hadn't said anything, but he could sense that Mingi needed some strength right now, and maybe if he shared a secret that he'd kept to himself for years now, it would give the alpha a little peace.

"I regret not being able to have more kids." Yunho's chest tightened as he spoke aloud the one secret that he hadn't even shared with Jongho, though he felt Jongho probably suspected it was there.

A small whine came from the alpha next to him and Mingi started to feel across the grass with one hand.

Yunho reached a hand up between their heads and closed his eyes as soon as he felt Mingi's fingers lace with his own. "I-I know I said I'm fine with it, and I am, I promise. But... there are times when I hear you joke with Seonghwa and it makes me wish I could do the same."

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