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"Alright, how are we looking?" Hongjoong asked once everyone was seated around the table.

"I have some more intel." Sungjae sat up a little straighter. "More of the pregnant female alphas have been in to see me. They are getting worse." He bowed his head with worry.

"Is it spreading to anyone else?" San frowned as he tapped the table.. "Are there any other pregnancies that are struggling?"

The omega shook his head. "Not that I've noticed."

Eunkwang sighed and braced his elbows on the table so he could press his lips against his forefingers. "And Nova told you to keep this quiet?"

"Yes. She's started moving all the pregnant females to a separate home for monitoring. Any with families are being told the procedure used isn't perfect yet, so they are getting tests done and need to be looked after all hours of the day. Which isn't exactly a lie..."

Hongjoong exchanged a quick glance with San. It was easy to see that the omega was uncomfortable with the turn of events. Yet it still didn't seem like enough for them to be able to actually do anything.

That was the most frustrating part.

They were still prisoners here and had found nothing they could use to get away.

Avayla was always with Nova's Elite now. It appeared they were... friends... which was a entire different problem that Hongjoong tried not to stress about.

"Nova is sick too."

Everyone in the room froze as Sungjae's words blanketed them with the heavy news.

"She... No one as been brave enough to tell her because she's been so on edge lately. But she's starting to show signs." Sungjae picked at the tablecloth, then looked up when Hyunsik and Changsub, who had started working in the medical buildings as well, walked in.

The betas took a seat next to him and Hyunsik pursed his lips. "It's odd, though, because the sickness seems to effect them all differently. Two of the first alphas to be confirmed pregnant are at completely different stages. One can't stop throwing up while the other is simply too weak to get out of bed."

"This just doesn't make any sense..." San scrunched his nose and took his turn to sigh. "I thought this was the whole reason they brought Avayla here, to prevent this from happening or to help somehow?"

"No," Changsub smacked his lips after taking a drink from the wineglass in front of him, "No I don't think that was it. Otherwise I feel the Elite wouldn't be spending so much time with her."

"Especially since one of them was chosen." Hongjoong sat back in his chair and huffed. "Sungjae, are you able to find out exactly what it is that is making them sick? Any tests that can be run?"

"No, Nova is the only one who sees those kinds of results... But I will try." The omega quirked his lips to the side as he thought about it. "Maybe with her starting to get sick, I can get past her."

"Try, please." Hongjoong paused for a second, then looked at Eunkwang. "And if we can't get answers, then I want to figure out how we can sneak out of here."





"Ava!" Siyeon called from the doorway. "We are here!"

"Coming!" Avayla called back. She worked on tucking her breast back into her shirt, shifting Kendra in her arms, before going to the front door to let everyone in.

"Yoohie!" Maria yelled from down the hall, running directly into the alpha's arms as soon a they were all in the living room.

"Hello, gongju, how are you my angel?" Yoohyeon picked her up to swing the girl around, laughing along with her.

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