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To say Seonghwa was on edge was an understatement. He was about ready to snap, and it was not going to be pleasant when he did.

The female alpha had been with them for three days now, and while she had shown progress in her healing, she had yet to shift back to her human form to explain what happened to her.

And that wasn't really the thing Seonghwa was upset about.

It was the fact that she had basically attached herself to his daughter.

Avayla could barely leave for more than five minutes without the alpha panicking and whining nonstop.

Hongjoong thought that maybe it was because Avayla was the only adult female in the house, which made sense. Kind of.

The issue Seonghwa had with that theory was the fact that they were both alphas. There should be some territorial shit or at least caution coming from the alpha. She exhibited it with every other alpha in the house, even Chan.

So why not Avayla?

Was it because she wasn't a very dominant alpha to begin with? Anyone could see it just by looking at her. Sure, she was her father's daughter and could lose her tempter sometimes, but the fact she had submitted enough to let Theo impregnate her said a lot about her nature.

Seonghwa grumbled to himself as he once again tried to solve the puzzle of this female alpha.

And why hadn't anyone come looking for her?? She had a distinguishable enough scent; it should be easy to track her.

Maybe she was a rogue without a pack... but that wouldn't make sense with all the damage done to the forest around where she had been found.

Hwa, I can feel your stress all the way out here. Mingi said gently. You need to stop dwelling on it.

I can't help it. Seonghwa slammed a cabinet door shut after pulling out some plates for dinner. I don't like it!

I know, but you're stressing everyone else out too.

Well they can just deal with it since they don't seem to care!

Mingi snorted and Seonghwa could feel his alpha rolling his eyes. That's harsh, even for you.

The omega simply scoffed before choosing to ignore his alpha. He didn't need to hear he was being silly.

A small coo drew his attention and Seonghwa turned around to see Yunho walking into the kitchen with Kendra staring up at him with a wide smile.

"Well look who's up from her nap!" Seonghwa walked over and let the little girl wrap her hand around two of his fingers.

"Yup. Theo needed a little more sleep, so I said I'd take her for a bit."

"More sleep? It's almost dinner time!"

Yunho gave a sad smile while shifting Kendra in his arms. "Give him some credit, Hwa. He's been doing a lot the past few days having to split his time between border patrols, snow removal, and the girls."

Seonghwa growled at the last part and knew his eyes must have flashed gold because Yunho paused and took a step back. "It's all her fault."

"Now that's a little much." Yunho flashed a skeptical look before stepping away with Kendra to get into their pantry. "She really hasn't done anything wrong."

"You don't find her obsession with Ava concerning?" The omega's lip curled in a slight snarl. His wolf was going crazy too, begging to be unleashed so it could protect its family.

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