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It was the day after Nova's visit that Mingi realized something was wrong.

He had no energy and it hurt to open his eyes. Everything took so much effort, but he had come to accept that by now.

As long as he did what was expected of him, he new he could keep going if it meant Avayla would be safe.

But the day after she told him he had fathered eleven pups, Mingi noticed black spots dancing in his vision.

They weren't always there... but there were times he gained an instant headache when he tried to focus on anything besides the dots.

Maybe it was just the exhaustion getting to him. It had to be. There was no other logical explanation as to why these black dots were taking over his vision.

But his wolf told him something else was happening.

And there was nothing he could do about it.





"Here." Minhyuk said, turning around to hand Hongjoong the tray of chicken he'd just finished cooking.

Dinner was turning into a nightly occurrence for them after Eunkwang had pulled a few strings to allow Hongjoong and San to stay with them at their house.

It had surprised them that permission had been granted so easily, but it seemed Eunkwang was one of the higher ranking alphas in the pack. For a male, that is.

They were still required to wear the chain when outside, just to keep up appearances, and because neither Eunkwang or Minhyuk had the key. But inside he and San were able to relax a little bit.

Hongjoong took the plate with a smile and bowed his head. "Thank you, it smells great."

The beta smiled with a hint of pride and returned to finishing the vegetables he was stir-frying.

Turning quickly to hide his disgust, Hongjoong hurried to the dining room where San, Eunkwang, Peniel, and a new friend were sitting.

Sungjae had been introduced to them a couple of nights ago and had been stopping by whenever he got a little break from work to give them any intel he'd found.

He, along with another beta named Hyunsik, both worked in the healer's quarters. They were in charge of keeping the pack healthy and prosperous, including taking care of pregnant betas and omegas.

That's where they'd learned that Nova had found a way to impregnate female alphas.

They'd made sure to share the news after Avayla and Theo has left, not wanting upset her more than she had been already. And at the time nothing had been confirmed.

But tonight, Sungjae had informed them that eleven females were pregnant. He'd tested them himself.

And there were five more getting ready to go through the procedure.

When Hongjoong sat down the plate of chicken, he glanced at where Eunkwang was tapping his pointer fingers against his chin. His eyes were unfocused, indicating he was lost in thought, yet he said softly, "And you don't know how this is being done?"

"No." Sungjae bowed his head twisted his fingers together in his lap. "Nova is the only one allowed in the room."

Eunkwang was quick to lean over and rub the back of the omega's head. "Don't fret, you did well." He said, earning a smile from the younger man.

The sight made Hongjoong feel so much better about trusting these few wolves with his own pack's safety. His wolf had no issue relying on Eunkwang, and moments like this just reinforced the feeling.

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