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The next time the grate opened it woke San up with the startling, piercing sound of metal dragging across stone. His entire body immediately seized up at the sound and he slammed his hands to his ears.

When it was finished, both he and Hongjoong backed away until they were pressed against the wall.

To his surprise, it was a different female who descended into their prison. Her long black hair was braided over one shoulder, pulling it away from her slightly slopping forehead and stern looking face.

"Have you made your decision?" She asked, looking between the two alphas.

San immediately glanced at Hongjoong, waiting for him to speak first.

The older let out a long sigh before nodding. "We will cooperate. But can you please let us see our family?" Even though they knew Avayla and Theo were here, for some reason they couldn't reach them through their pack link... No matter how hard they tried.

The female's forehead creased slightly and only for an instant before she schooled her emotions and shook her head. "I'm sorry. That is not possible. I will take you up one at a time."

"Just unlock them both, Yubin! We are fine up here!" A sweet voice called from above.

Yubin scowled at the ground but did as she was told. She left the cuffs around San and Hongjoong's ankles alone, instead choosing to unlock the other end from the wall. Then she took both ends in her hand and motioned for the two alphas to proceed.

San was a little closer to the ladder, so he was the first to climb. Five more female alphas were waiting for them in what a quick glance told him had to be the back room of a large house. Two doors stood apart from each other on either side of the room and there were a few windows to let in light from the outside. It was sparsely decorated, mostly with simple stools or benches to sit on.

The alpha turned around as soon as he was steady on his feet and helped Hongjoong up.

They were immediately surrounded by the six alphas, who made sure to get between the two packmates.

Stay calm. Hongjoong whispered through their link. Don't give them a reason to separate us any sooner.

I don't want to be separated at all. San couldn't help but whine. He could feel his stress levels rising as they were led out what was apparently the back door.

Cheerful sunlight pierced the sky, accented by chirping birds, children laughing, and farm animals in the distance.

If they weren't in their current situation, San would feel at peace here. There wasn't any signs of war or famine or that anything was out of place or... inherently evil.

The houses were beautiful. Each one looked like they had been built with love and careful attention from mud and stone with cute, thatched roofs and little chimneys. Many had tiny yards in front of them, filled with flowers both familiar and exotic.

And while female alphas were everywhere, there were just as many betas and omegas, which was something San hadn't been expecting. It seemed like they were all integrated and working together, much like he had learned packs generally did.

The omegas and betas were tending the gardens or feeding animals, manning stalls at a small market that was set up, or playing with children, while the alphas looked to be either with their families or in transit to maybe go on patrol?

It was so normal and domestic...

San couldn't decide if he liked it or not.

Especially when a few of them stopped to watch them pass with questioning gazes.

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