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When he had finished telling his story, Mingi wanted nothing more than to run away and hide.

He didn't know if he could handle everyone's pity... or the questions...

If he was being honest, he didn't even know if he wanted to reopen the pack link. Then he wouldn't have to feel their pity or concern either.

Even being in Seonghwa's arms... it hurt so damn much.

"So... What now?" San asked after everyone had calmed down a bit.

Hongjoong gave a long sigh, and Mingi could picture him running his hand through his hair. "I'm not sure. I think we should take tonight to rest and then we can see what tomorrow brings."

A few murmurs of agreement followed, then Avayla said, "We don't have a lot of room here, but we can try to set up the living room for everyone."

"That would be great, thank you." Hongjoong said. "Is there anywhere we can get some food?"

"We will get some." Siyeon offered, her voice soft and hesitant. "If that's alright with you?"

There was silence for a few seconds and Mingi felt Seonghwa tense next to him.

"Yes, please." Hongjoong finally said, a hint of thanks in his tone. "Will you need help?"

"No." Siyeon said quickly. "No, we want to do this for you. Please. It's the least we can do."

"We will go with them," the one named Sungjae said next, at least that's who Mingi thought was speaking since he had no idea what he looked like. "Eunkwang will want an update too."

The sound of the front door opening and closing came next, followed by the sound of something big moving and the sound of claws clacking against the floor.

"Alright. Does anyone else have anything they want to say?" Hongjoong asked.

"How can you be so calm around them?" Seonghwa growled. He moved a little bit away, putting a slight gap between himself and Mingi, though he was still holding onto Mingi's arms.

"Mama." Avayla snapped with a bit of a bite to her tone.

"This is all their fault! All of it! We wouldn't be there if it wasn't for them!"

Tension started to grow within the room. It made the hair on the back of Mingi's neck stand on edge.

"And they have since proven themselves to me. I've spent a lot of time with them, Mama, and I trust them." Avayla's voice was strong and confident. An alpha's voice in every way. "They were only following orders, and while it may have been misguided, they have been nothing but good to us since we arrived."

"She's right." Serena's soft voice cut in before Seonghwa could respond. "I was awful to them at first, and I wouldn't let them get close to me, but they really took care of us. Especially Maria and Kendra. Not everyone in the pack was as accepting, but Siyeon and the Elite... they were betrayed and hurt by Nova just like us, and in ways we will never understand as well."

"And they protected me..." Mingi added in a whisper. He had no idea who he was looking at, but he tried to face the direction he remembered most of the voices coming from. "When... When I escaped and they found out what N... what happened... they hid me and protected me."

A gentle touch on his shoulder made him jump, but he instantly recognized it. And he leaned into it, surprising both himself and his mate at the same time.

He didn't know what Theo was saying to the others... but he did know that he felt a little more at ease with the beta by his side.

Mingi turned his head toward Theo, hoping to show some kind of gratitude.

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