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Seonghwa felt his chest tighten when he didn't get an answer right away from his alpha. The pain and hurt on Hongjoong's face didn't help things either.

"Where is he? Where is he?!" The omega begged, falling forward to curl in on himself.

He didn't know what to think, what to feel... But he knew something had happened to his alpha. Something that was still keeping them apart.

He was the only one who hadn't been reunited with his mate. The agony that created within him made the omega want to scream.

"Hwa, I-" Hongjoong started to say.

Joong, I think we have a problem. San said through the pack link, capturing all of their attention.

What is it? Hongjoong asked, his eyes still on the hurting omega in front of him.

The fighting is stopping. All of the alphas are going somewhere. A few are dragging wounded or prisoners.

Sure enough, when Seonghwa looked out the open door, only a few wolves were still tangled up together.

Where are they going? Jongho asked, frowning slightly. And... What has even been going on here? What is this war? What side are we on?

Hongjoong sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. It's a long story that we don't have time for. Right now all you need to know is that most female alphas are the ones we will fight, but only if they attack us first.

We have friends here too. I hope they got out... San adds, concern coming from the alpha.

Eunkwang is wise. He will protect the others. Hongjoong said softly. But for now, I think we need to investigate what's happening.

What do you want to do? Yunho stands, then helps the others get on their feet as well.

For a moment, they all had to wait patiently for Hongjoong to decide. The alpha seemed conflicted, like he wasn't sure what he truly wanted.

So Seonghwa spoke up first. I want to find Mingi. And I will do it with or without your heIp.

I want to find him too. But we need to be careful. There is so much you don't know. Hongjoong said, holding out a hand for the omega to take.

"Then tell me! Tell me what happened!" Seonghwa roared, dropping from the link and batting Hongjoong's hand away.

Gunner stepped up behind him, grabbing both of his shoulders to show his support. His eyes flashed red, giving away that he was upset too.

Surprisingly, Hongjoong started to tremble... It was rare for their head alpha to show any kind of weakness like this... Even the pain that had flashed in his eyes from Seonghwa's rejection caught them by surprise.

But that only fueled the fear growing inside Seonghwa.

Hongjoong, more are coming. We need to do something soon. San said hesitantly. They seem anxious.

Jongho stepped forward, eyes flicking between the two eldest memebers of their pack. We can't stand here and continue to fight. Maybe Mingi is at this gathering.

Panic instantly shot through the link and Hongjoong paled. We need to go. Now. He said, then ran from the cabin.

Seonghwa roared with continued frustration, but joined the others as the followed their alpha.

Joong, what's going on? Yeosang pleaded, sticking close to his mate.

Mingi is in danger. More than any of us. More than Avayla, mo-

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