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Eunkwang requested two days to gather volunteers to escort everyone to the canyon and clear it out.

While Hongjoong's pack was anxious to get home, they agreed and did what they could to help as well.

That must have earned them favor because nearly one hundred wolves of all three sub-genders left the pack borders early in the morning on the third day.

They took their time, picking their way up the sloping mountains so that Hongjoong and his pack could memorize the route.

But they also had to move slower because of Mingi, though he and Theo had a pretty good system worked out.

The beta led the way, choosing easy routes for Mingi to use, but he'd fall back to touch his nose to either of the alpha's front legs if he needed to step higher or over something, along with directing him through their link.

Seonghwa and Yunho followed behind the alpha so they could support him by taking some of his weight or giving him something to lean on as they continued to travel uphill.

Hongjoong and Jongho stayed at the front of the group with Eunkwang. They took note of everything that could be used as landmarks for their journey back, from the misshapen boulder to the large stream that sliced the land.

Also moving just a touch slower was Avayla, who stayed near her mate and her parents while carrying a basket with Kendra nestled inside in her jaws.

The rest of their pack stayed close to either group, doing what they could to assist those who needed it.

About an hour after the sun vanished beyond the horizon, they reached the very edge of the canyon.

Everyone started to shift and dress, then a flurry of motion happened to get fires built and enough food cooked to feed the entire group.

Wooyoung took charge of one of the fires. With the help of San and their son, he got a few thick branches set up so a pot could hang over the fire.

"Careful, Chan." He said, ushering the young alpha away from the cracking flames.

"Mama, I know." Chan huffed and rolled his eyes. "I'm not dumb." He added with a mumble.

Wooyoung looked at his son and twisted his lips to the side. "I never said you were. I'm just being protective." He lifted a hand to ruffle Chan's hair.

"Mamaaaaa." Chan whined. But instead of moving away, he hugged his mom around the waist and buried his face in Wooyoung's chest.

It made the omega's heart swell, and he gently cupped the back of Chan's head. "You've grown." He whispered.

Chan tilted his head back, eyes wide with excitement. "I have?"

"Yes, now stop it."

His son laughed and hugged him harder. "Nope! I need to keep growing so I can be big and strong and keep protecting everyone."

Wooyoung caught himself before he said that wasn't always possible, instead kissing the top of Chan's head gently.

Then San walked over to him and took his turn ruffling his son's hair. "You already do a great job. I don't know if I said it or not, but I'm really proud of you for how you handled all of this."

Chan stepped back and puffed out his chest a little. "I knew I needed to step up to help Uncle Jongho and Gunner, and that it's what I know you would do too."

"You're exactly right." San chuckled. "Now go round everyone up so we can eat soon."

"Ok!" Chan sped away, head whipping around to look for the rest of their family.

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