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I am getting so tired of this! Mingi growled while swiping a paw angrily through the snow. Why isn't it melting?

Because it snowed for almost two weeks straight. Seonghwa chuckled from where he was laying on his back in the white powder.

Mingi crinkled his nose and huffed, although he couldn't help but soften up a bit when his mate started rolling around.

To be fair, the sun was shining today, breaking through the grey clouds for the first time since the storm began. It gave everything a majestic, sparkling glow.

Lighten up. Seonghwa added playfully. He was still on his back and had his mouth open with his tongue hanging out the side.

Suddenly a flash of orange flew by, sending snow flying in all directions, and barreled into the white omega.

Loud yelps echoed through the yard and soon Seonghwa and Wooyoung were rolling around together. Neither had been outside the house much, having too many responsibilities, so they were both excited to go on this trip.

Their plan today was to go and check on the surrounding packs, starting with the twins, which was part of why Wooyoung was so excited today.

They hadn't heard a word from them, but in all reality they were lucky they didn't lose power.

After checking up on them, they would make the rounds to Trenton's family, Riley's new pack, and then the others in the surrounding area.

Hongjoong walked over to sit next to Mingi and yawned. How do they have so much energy?

Great question. Although, it is Wooyoung. Does he ever not have energy? Mingi smirked as Seonghwa managed to pin Wooyoung and pressed the younger into the snow.

Good point. Hongjoong voice held an amused tone. There was a hint of pride with it too, something that Mingi never missed when it happened.

It made his own wolf bristle with pride and he yearned to continue making his alpha feel that way.

Alright. Hongjoong called out to the entire pack. Wooyoung and Seonghwa shook out their fur and trotted over while San, Yeosang, Rhodey, and Chan also came forward. Stay close and stay alert. We need to be ready to help anyone who needs us, alright?

Everyone nodded and both San and Mingi picked up large sacks in their jaws. The pack as a whole had decided to portion out their own food supply to bring to the others. They had no idea if they had managed to find food for themselves.

Wooyoung tried to eagerly led the way, having to work almost as hard as the pups to move forward through the deep snow. He sunk down to his chest multiple times and had to paw his way back up once he found harder snow to walk on.

It was amusing to watch for Mingi, who had no problem plowing ahead and making a path for the others to follow. You're going to wear yourself out.

I'm fine. Wooyoung nipped at the alpha's tail. Hurry up!

Youngie. San said, a hint of warning in his tone. A small whimper came from his omega and the two of them fell silent.

Mingi knew they were having a private conversation that most likely involved San trying to tell his mate that everything was fine with their daughters.

The alpha grew distracted when Seonghwa's wonderful lemon scent came from his right. You're enjoying this too much.

I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Mingi flicked his tail over to wrap it around Seonghwa's as they continued forward.

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