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As soon as he'd heard what Nova had done to Mingi, Seonghwa lost all control over himself. His wolf took over, pushing him forward to shove his way through the wolves blocking their path.

No one tried to stop him like he thought they would. He'd expected Jongho or Hongjoong to tell him to wait, to stop and think about things.

But Jongho was close behind him, eyes a furious red.

Once they broke through the people in their way, Seonghwa immediately zeroed in on the pale, purple haired woman advancing toward one of the poles.

He couldn't see who she was about to strike, but he'd recognized Siyeon's voice. And despite the hatred he still held for the alpha, hearing her call out Nova and her insanity had earned her a few points.

Though Seonghwa hadn't given that much thought once he'd learned how Mingi had been treated.

He made sure to push aside the knowledge that his mate had sired an unknown number of pups... Getting upset about that wouldn't help things.

Instead, Seonghwa used that to fuel his rage as he ran straight for the alpha responsible. He didn't falter when she shifted, instead choosing to speed up, lower his head, and barrel into her side.

Nova cried out in surprise and the two of them rolled together several feet.

Seonghwa was the first to recover, scrambling to his feet and snarling at his opponent.

"Mama!" Avayla screamed from somewhere behind him.

The omega's head whipped around, love and concern for his daughter taking over every instinct.

More fighting had erupted in the courtyard. Jongho, Yunho, and Gunner were doing their best to form a wall between the alphas loyal to Nova and everyone else, while Hongjoong and Yeosang were fighting with Rhodey close by, and San and Wooyoung were doing the same with Chan.

Cries from Maria and Kendra started to mix in with the howls of pain and screaming. The alpha holding them stayed in the middle of four others, a look of panic on her face.

She was Seonghwa's next target, but for now he needed to focus on Nova.

Who was shaking her head and growling, although it was so low it almost sounded like a groan.

Nova was weak. Seonghwa sneered at her, ready to rip her throat out.

But unfortunately two wolves came to defend her, towering over the omega and trying to force him to submit.

Seonghwa whimpered, ears falling to press against his head. He took a step back, not sure he could fight both alphas at once.

Nova's eyes flicked to those around her, then she tipped her head back and howled.

Several answered her, giving away that more wolves were coming to them.

The omega whined and retreated further, needing the security of his pack.

But they were quickly being overrun...

There were still too many wolves who followed Nova.

Mama! Gunner called, gaining Seonghwa's attention. He was trying to get around three alphas, snarling and snapping at them to try and force them back.

There was no way Seonghwa was going to get to him, not with the amount of wolves filling the courtyard.

But... he was next to the posts.

Seonghwa darted to the closest pole, which happened to be Siyeon, and moved behind it to bite at all the ropes binding her.

"Thank you." She gasps, standing as still as she can. "Thank you."

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