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Things were a little tense in the pack house after Mingi and Seonghwa's episode, especially when Mingi had to ask for money for a new bed frame.

Everyone knew better than to tease them about it. The couple clearly regretted their actions and were very embarrassed.

Seonghwa spent a long time apologizing to Avayla for his mood and temper. She was a little upset that he didn't trust her, but all was forgiven once the conversation was over.

The one person who was going to take some time to forgive was Hongjoong. They had blatantly disrespected him, so his head alpha instincts were elevated.

Which also meant Mingi spent his time either pouting off to the side when he was ignored or jumping up to do whatever was needed from him to try and get back in his alpha's good graces.

Yunho was sitting at the kitchen table with Maria and Kendra when one of these interactions took place.

Hongjoong had just walked into the room looking very tired when he said with a sigh, "Hey. Hi girls."

"Hi Uncle Joong." Maria looked up from her workbook for a second.

"What are you three up to?"

Yunho rubbed the back of his oldest granddaughter's head. "Just some studying while the boys train with San." Yunho looked up at his head alpha. "How are things out there?"

Hongjoong shrugged. "Alright. I think we are almost done clearing a path to the kid's place and we've started on one to the twins. With how packed this snow is I don't think it's going anywhere any time soon."

Suddenly Mingi walked into the kitchen, his eyes rounder than normal, and stopped a few paces away from their alpha. "So what can I do? I'm more than happy to work on either path."

Hongjoong shoved his tongue in his cheek and made a show of searching the pantry, completely ignoring the other alpha.

Mingi glanced at Yunho with the saddest look in his eyes before slowly shuffling out of the kitchen with his head bowed. The back door opened a few minutes later, indicating he had still done outside to work.

"Don't you think you're being a little harsh?" Yunho asked, looking back. At where Hongjoong still had his head in the pantry.

"I don't know what you're talking about." The alpha answered with a shrug. Then he turned and left the kitchen without another word.

The beta shook his head. It wasn't like Hongjoong to be petty like this. There must be something else going on. At least he hoped there was. If there wasn't, this could be bad news for the pack.

He didn't get a lot of time to ponder, though, because Theo came in with an adorable mop of bed head. Hi Mama. He yawned and stretched his arms over his head.

Hi, did you get enough sleep? Yunho watched with a wide smile as his son bent over to kiss Maria on the head, then Kendra, who started to wave her arms and coo at him with a gummy grin.

Probably not, but I'll be fine. I can sleep once the snow is under control.

I'm worried you are pushing yourself too much. Yunho's forehead creased and he reached out to take Theo's hand.

And I feel like I'm not doing enough... Gunner and Trenton both have been out there full time, same with all of you. I want the girls to be able to sleep in their own rooms, I want Lizbeth and Lorelai to be able to get here, I-. Tears suddenly came to the young beta's eyes, making Yunho jump out of his seat to run to his son. I want Ava back.

And as if she heard his request, Avayla was there within seconds.

Yunho stepped aside to let her comfort her mate and watched as Theo bent forward enough to bury his nose in Avayla's neck. He must have been doing a good job at hiding how much he missed his mate, because with her Soulmate bond Avayla should have sensed this a lot sooner.

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