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The silence that fell over the courtyard was deafening, yet it almost seemed to hum at the same time.

That's what it felt like to Avayla, at least, as she watched Nova's head fall to the ground with a horrible, wet thump. Blood splashed up around it, splattering Theo's already dirty fur.

It took her a few seconds to come to her senses, and as much as she wanted to run to her mate, she spun around to face the alpha still holding her children first.

She was starring at Nova with horror-filled eyes and her grip loosened on Maria.

The young beta realized the change and slipped out of her grasp, then turned to grab her unusually quiet sister.

There wasn't even a struggle. The alpha just let it happen, her arms falling limp at her sides. Her eyes remained locked on Nova's body, just like a lot of wolves still surrounding them.

Avayla ran the short distance to her daughters and pulled them to her chest with a sob that seemed much too loud for the current situation.

"Are you alright?" She whispered to Maria, brushing her beautiful brown hair behind her ears. All she got was a nod for an answer, but it was enough. She could clearly see Maria was trying not to cry.

Murmurs began to fill the air, alongside a few cries of pain and a ripple of movement from one section of the crowd.

Before anything else happened, Eunkwang stepped into the center of the courtyard wearing only a loose pair of shorts and holding his hands up high.

"It's time for this awful fighting to end!" He said, slowly turning in a circle. "Please! There has been enough death for one day and too many families torn apart! Nova lied to many of you, and now she has paid with her life. It's time for us to move on and rebuild."

A few more ripples started to happen, and soon Minhyuk and the rest of their group of six joined their alpha in the center.

"Please." Eunkwang begged. "Come with me to the main clearing and we can start assessing your wounds and try to get a grasp on how much damage Nova's foolishness has caused us."

People started moving almost immediately, once again proving the trust the pack had for Eunkwang.

Avayla took that chance to hurry over to where Theo was still standing in the same spot. T!!

He turned just in time to see her before she barreled into his side. Maria was close behind, though she only leaned not her father's side so she could still protect Kendra.

Theo whimpered and nuzzled both of them, but he favored Avayla and she could feel how much he needed her through their link.

I'm here. She said, hugging him around his neck. I'm here. Are you hurt?

No. I don't think so at least... Theo answered softly. Are you?

Avayla shook her head. Where's Dad?

I left him with Annabelle. I'm sorry, I know you wanted me to protect him, but I couldn't leave you to fight her alone. Theo pressed his head into his alpha's stomach and chest, almost like a small head-but.

Before Avayla could answer him and tell him not to worry about it, the wind shifted.

And she smelled lemon. Bright and powerful and oh so glorious.

The alpha raised her head and turned in the exact direction she needed to.

All to see Seonghwa running for her with tears already running down his cheeks.

"Mama!!" She yelled, standing to throw herself at him.

"Oh my baby!" Seonghwa sobbed as they slid to the ground. His long fingers worked through her hair and his arms pulled her back home.

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