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Theo sighed to himself while walking down one of the market streets. His nostrils flared with how overwhelming all of the scents in the air were. Freshly baked goods, cooking meat, fresh fruits and vegetables, animal waste, dirt, mud, water, wood shavings, burning coals, all on top of the intermingling scents from the wolves themselves.

It gave him a headache and muddled his ability to concentrate.

But he wasn't sure what to do right now.

He'd left his girls back at the house laughing and giggling and playing with Yoohyeon, Gahyeon, Bora, and Siyeon. The other three were out hunting but would probably stop by later.

Seeing Avayla laugh had brought so much joy to Theo's heart. He didn't think she realized it, but she was dropping her guard around the other alphas. Despite all the stress they felt when it was just the two of them, or when they were with their uncles, being with the other women... it helped.

She'd tried to convince Theo to stay, but when he saw her seated on the floor with Siyeon brushing and braiding flowers into her hair, he'd decided he needed some time to think.

After a couple of minutes, he finally made it past all the shops and stalls and into a more open area where he felt like he could breathe again.

A few kids ran by, sticks in their hands and mud on their pants, completely at ease with life in the pack. Theo watched them play, smiling to himself when he thought about how he used to play with Lizbeth and Lorelai, and Riley and Gunner, which only made him dwell on how much he missed his family.

Especially his parents... He could really use their guidance right now.

A tap on his shoulder made Theo jump and spin around, tense and ready to run if he needed to. He looked down to see a female beta stepping back. She was holding a basket close to her chest with a red cloth draped over it.

His eyes darted to her lips when they started to move and he watched as she said, 'I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I called for you, but you seemed lost in thought'.

Theo's forehead furrowed and he pointed to his ears to try and tell her he couldn't hear.

This was one of the things he wasn't a fan of... He missed not having to explain to everyone new he came across that he was deaf.

The female tilted her head for a second, then smiled. 'Would you like a fresh rice ball?' She reached into her basket and pulled out another smaller red cloth that was keeping the rice ball warm. 'My family and I are closing up for the day and I'd hate for these to go to waste.'

The sudden kindness and acceptance made Theo pause. He sensed no ill-will coming from the beta, so he accepted the gift with a smile.

Which only made her own smile grow. 'You're new here, aren't you?'

Theo nodded, bringing the rice ball close to his chest.

'My name is Annabelle, it's nice to met you.' She waited patiently for Theo to write his name in the dirt before bowing her head and saying, 'Theo. Cute name! Well I hope you enjoy, and if you need anything, don't hesitate to come find me.'

Annabelle bowed once more, then moved on to hand out rice balls to a few other wolves as she passed by.

Theo held onto the rice ball for a few more minutes, trying to understand what he was feeling right now. Happiness? Confusion, definitely, but he felt... warm.

The rice ball was delicious. It was obvious that the beta knew what she was doing.

Now that he had taken the time to stop, Theo was able to see just how connected everyone was here.

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