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The house was restless that night after hearing Siyeon's story. Everyone had broken off into the heir respective couples once they made sure shew as comfortable on the couch. Avayla even put her foot down and made sure she slept with her mate.

Wooyoung especially feeling it as he stared up at the ceiling, begging himself to fall asleep.

It was hard, though... even all these years later, he still felt a connection to the wolf who had given her life for him. He wished he knew more about her.

"Baby, go to sleep." San mumbled from where his nose was pressed against the omega's shoulder. "That way I can sleep."

"Sorry, Sannie." Wooyoung forced his eyes closed and wiggled in place to try and settle in. he also tried to picture himself drifting off to sleep, but if anything, that just made it worse.

San sighed and moved himself so that he was laying halfway on top of Wooyoung and sleepily rubbed his nose against Wooyoung's mark.

The action was instantly soothing. Wooyoung couldn't help but smile and his chest rumbled with a content hum. He could feel the calming energy his alpha was giving off.

It was sweet and Wooyoung appreciated it.

But it just wasn't working.

He was too restless.

San groaned and lifted his head. "Youngie."

"I'm sorry." The omega whined and slapped his hands to his face. "I just can't stop thinking about Lizbeth." He said, voice now muffled by his hands.

"I know. But you need to sleep."

"I'm trying."

"Not hard enough." San sighed and shook his head. "Nothing is going to be solved tonight. Just relax." Then the tip of his tongue flicked over Wooyoung's mating mark.

An instant jolt of pleasure shot through the omega's body and he bit his lip to hold back any noise.

"Do you need Alpha's help?"

Wooyoung had to work extra hard to keep his wolf at bay, but the teasing nature in him helped push it aside. "Really? You were dead asleep five minutes ago and now you want to have sex?"

"I wasn't asleep. Your emotions were too loud." San smirked before placing several open mouth kisses along Wooyoung neck. With each one came a couple swipes of his tongue as well.

The omega moaned at the sensation, turning his head to the side out of instinct. "S-Sannie... I don't think... this is... the best idea..." He started panting when San grabbed his side and squeezed.

"Why not?" His alpha said with a slight growl.

"Because... J-Joongie is still upset with Mingi and Hwa..."

San lifted his head up again and licked his already saliva coated lips. "Then lets make sure he doesn't find out. If he doesn't know about it then I don't see why it would be an issue."

Wooyoung's mouth opened and he blinked a couple of times. He shivered under his alpha's intense gaze.

There was no way he could do this. What was San thinking?

He was about to protest again, but all thoughts of that were gone as soon as San palmed his length through his shorts.

The omega's hips jerked up in response and he started to cry out, but San was quick to swallow it with a ferocious kiss.

Their tongues twisted together, hungry to taste as much of the other as they could.

San smirked into the kiss, his thrill at winning the first challenge oozed off him. It make Wooyoung bristle at how smug his alpha could be.

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