⇛ 𝐂𝐇. 𝟒

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"get up

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"get up. you have to get up."

you could hear someone whispering into your ear and could feel hands shaking you, but no matter how hard you tried, you weren't able to move your hands. instead, you opened your eyes, expecting to be greeted with a bright light, but you couldn't see anything either.

"i can't see or move." you said, panic filling you. you suddenly felt like you were drowning, your ears filled with water, and no way out.

"calm down." the person whispered again.

you felt something drop from your face giving back your vision so you could see himari in front of you. your eyes darted around at the wooden box with small holes you and her were in. she released the ropes on your hands so you could sit up.

"where are we? what's going on?" you asked, pressing your hands against the top of the box to find a way out.

"after we escaped, you got knocked out by some men and we were thrown into this box. i don't know where they're taking us." she replied, watching your failed attempt to get out. "i've already tried breaking it open. it won't work."

"maybe i can." you ignored her and pulled out a hairpin from your hair, putting it in the cracks, hoping it would break the box.

"stop it. you'll get us in trouble." himari said, trying to pull your hand away but you accidentally nudged her back.

"i'm sorry, i'm not giving up."

a look of relief flashed across your face as the box lid came loose, but that soon went down the drain when it was opened by someone from outside. the kidnappers.

"take the blonde one." a man said and hands reached out to grab himari. you tried to fight them off, but the man that had spoken pushed you back and she was taken away.

the lid was put back on and a few minutes later, it was removed and someone tried to pull you out. you yelled out, trying to catch anyone's attention to help you. however, it seemed that if anyone did hear you, they would not help.

you tried to fight against the grip as you were dragged up some stairs and above the deck of the ship you were on. the man took you to the side of the ship where a smaller boat was in the water.

"himari!" you cried out, seeing her on another boat in the distance. "someone help!"

"shut it, bitch." the man growled, about to throw you onto the boat. you acted quick, putting your feet on the side of the ship and kicking off it so it would send the man flying.

just as you went to make a run for it, another man grabbed you, holding your arms behind your back.

"let go of me!" you yelled, trying to break away. your arms grew tired — most likely because you had just woken up after being knocked unconscious — as the man held you in a tight grip. as you felt yourself growing weak and giving up, something or someone fell from the sky, their foot landing on the man's back and knocking the both of you to the ground.

𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇 ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ 𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐚 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐰𝐧Where stories live. Discover now