⇛ 𝐂𝐇. 𝟐𝟕

693 34 2

"eh? you're full?" yun questioned the inn owner. it seemed like you guys always had the worst luck with finding a place to sleep. either the places were full or infested with bad people.

"i apologise. with the guests who just checked in a moment ago. it's full." the inn owner replied.

"what's with that...? it was small and seemed like the cheapest inn."

"there's nothing we can do about it, yun. let's go." yona said and the group started making their way out the inn, except you.

since you insisted you be allowed to walk instead of being carried, you had some more freedom. you still had pain in your leg but you wanted to push through it and do as you liked. yun also hadn't had time to make you a brace for your leg so you were worried walking without it would injure yourself further. 

but you didn't have time to worry about that. you felt as though something was suspicious at the inn so you decided to stay behind and investigate. however, jae-ha seemed to have the same idea in mind as he went to one of the rooms at the back, leaving you no choice but to stand outside the inn and wait for him to leave otherwise he'd tell you to go.

you could hear smashing from inside, assuming that jae-ha had found traces of nadai, you stopped yourself from going inside.

"thank you for your concern. i'll do that. who are you then..?" you heard a familiar voice you would recognise anywhere ask.

"see ya." jae-ha replied. the door flew open, hiding you from his view as he he ran away from soo-won who tried to chase after him.

"hi there." you said, stepping into soo-won's view. he turned to look at you with the same face of shock from jae-ha disappearing into the night, but it managed to change into a different type of shock.

"y/n?! you're here?!" he exclaimed, closing the door in case someone else came out and overheard the conversation.

"yeah... and yona is nearby too."

"you don't need to tell me that. i figured it out anyway. it doesn't really matter. i'm more surprised to bump into you again." he said, smiling down at you. you couldn't help the tug in your heart when you saw him smile so innocently at you.

"i wanted to tell you so you don't run into hak. while yona might be able to control herself..." you paused, trying to push back the thought of hak trying to kill soo-won. "hak can not."

"i'll keep it in mind." he nodded. "were you worried about me?"

"uh, of course not. it's just that it wouldn't be good for the new king to die so soon." you lied through your teeth, regretting it as you saw his smile fade.

"right. are you with that green haired man?"

"yeah, i am. i should probably go find him." you said, taking steps back.

"wait a bit. let's talk some— what happened to your leg?" he asked, glancing down.

"what's with my leg?" you asked, playing dumb.

"you were limping just then as you walked back."

"i guess i'm not used to walking backwards?"

"you're not fooling me." he said, crossing his arms. "what happened?"

"i injured it..." you replied, giving in because you knew you couldn't keep lying to him. he'd never buy it.


"some men hit my leg. i'm fine though."

"you do not look fine. who was it? tell me now." he held your shoulder and you winced. he froze. "why... why did you...?"

𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇 ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ 𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐚 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐰𝐧Where stories live. Discover now