⇛ 𝐂𝐇. 𝟐𝟓

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you were quickly restrained by two men, forcing you to let go of tetora so she'd drop onto the floor

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you were quickly restrained by two men, forcing you to let go of tetora so she'd drop onto the floor. you yelled out and tried to get out by kicking them. you managed to land a kick on one of the men's knee which resulted in getting punched in the face. your head fell to the side from the impact, but you quickly regained your composure and started fighting back.

"i'll fucking break your leg if you kick me one more time!" one of the men yelled. unfortunately, you had raised your leg again, the words not having registered in your brain yet. "you bitch!"

from your peripheral, you could see the man clutch something wooden. he lifted it up and aimed for your knee. a surge of pain hit you as the wooden object came in contact with your leg once and then a second time. you screamed in pain, falling to the floor. you tried to cradle your leg to soothe the pain, but a foot was placed on your chest, keeping you in place.

"try anything else and it'll be your other leg."

"tetora! y/n!"

you looked at lili and yona, who were stood by the door, through your blurry vision. you opened your mouth to warn them, but the foot on you pressed down harder almost making it hard to breathe.

"lady... lili... run..." tetora uttered.

"this isn't allowed. this area is off limits." hiyou said, as if tetora bleeding out and you on the floor with a messed up leg wasn't an issue.

lili tried to hurry to tetora's side, but yona held her back. "no! step back!"

"yona... take lady lili and run... this person is... the nadai... he's the one who brought nadai into the water tribe... the smuggler..."

"get out of here! run!" you yelled, choosing to risk your life to ensure those two would get out there alive. the foot on your chest lifted up then smashed down on top of you. you yelled out in pain and let out wheezes as coughs got stuck in your throat.

"y/n!" lili cried.

"hurry up and take care of those two." hiyou told his drug addicts. yona took out her sword, readying herself to fight against them, though only one decided to fight.

you glanced around at your surroundings, while yona fought, hoping to find a way out, something you could use to fight with or a distraction. anything would be great. tetora needed medical attention immediately and yona would soon if things carried on like this.

"what is that guy doing playing around with that little girl...?" someone asked.

"exactly... a little girl. you're all disgusting for doing such things to innocent girls. where are your morals?!" you hollered

"shut up!" the man keeping you down screeched, lifting his foot up again.

your eyes widened seeing that he was aiming for your face this time. your arms flew to your face, holding them in front, protectively. you kept them there as he repeatedly stomped on it, trying to harm your face. with every stomp, you hoped that a saviour would appear before your hands and arms got messed up so bad you wouldn't be able to wield a weapon any more.

𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇 ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ 𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐚 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐰𝐧Where stories live. Discover now