⇛ 𝐂𝐇. 𝟐𝟒

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"who is that lili person?" hak asked you as the group walked through the outskirts of town after leaving the inn and having to camp outside

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"who is that lili person?" hak asked you as the group walked through the outskirts of town after leaving the inn and having to camp outside. he had been pondering about it for a while because she seemed so familiar, but he hadn't quite figured it out. however, you knew her for sure, so he had to somehow.

"a childhood friend. i'm pretty sure i mentioned that before." you replied and he gave you an annoyed stare.

"yeah, but do i know her then? her name sounds familiar. lady lili..."

"speaking of her!" yona interrupted the conversation, pointing ahead of them. "you're the girl from yesterday."

"what a coincidence." lili said from where she was kneeled on the floor planting something. "we run into each other a lot."

"you're the suspicious one, lady lili." tetora mumbled, you nodding as you bent down next to her. you held a hand out which she took, allowing you to pull her up from the floor.

"what are you doing gathered in a place like this?"

"um..." yona thought on what to say.

"we're homeless." you told her, gesturing to the tent. "we camped out here."

"you're kidding." lili gasped, leaning forwards in shock.

"it's true. we ran out of money." yona added.

"the poor are incredible!" lili exclaimed, making zeno and shin-ah bow in thanks, when they shouldn't really have...

"shin-ah, zeno, she's not praising us." yun told them, holding a stack of bowls as he always was. you felt sort of sorry for the boy. he practically took up the guardian role, having to look after the group as if they were his starving children. well...

"there was a time i was richer than you!" you yelled, dragging the black haired girl into a playful chokehold. you rubbed your knuckles on the top of her head causing tetora and ayura to glare at you for jokingly harming her, so you let go, holding your hands up in surrender.

"i don't believe you two!" lili yelled, looking at you and yona. "you're girls, so how can you camp surrounded by all those men in a place like this...?! especially you y/n! i never would have expected this."

"surprisingly, i actually like them." you shrugged.

"for you to be around men..." she shivered.

ah. that's right. she doesn't even know i was engaged. you sighed.

"we're safe and stable men." yun reassured her, unknowingly gesturing to jae-ha who's the most unstable and unsafe man in the group.

"i wonder about that." jae-ha squinted his eyes, his mind adventuring to unpleasant scenarios.

"quit joking around." hak said.

"but...! there are bugs and the bedding is hard!" lili said.

"bugs...?!" kija exclaimed, looking around. you placed a hand on his back, patting it.

𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇 ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ 𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐚 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐰𝐧Where stories live. Discover now