⇛ 𝐂𝐇. 𝟐𝟎

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"today i'm

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"today i'm... going into town for work."

"yun, you work? like you? yun?" the said boy closed his eyes and smacked you on the top of your head. you cried out, clutching where he had hit. "you hit hard for a weak looking boy."

"what was that?!" he held up his fist, shaking it at you. "you've been getting on my nerve recently. cross the line one more time and i'll abandon you on the side of the road with nothing!"

"a mother shouldn't abandon their child like that. at least give me a basket and name tag." you began running ahead as soon as you spoke. "forgive me!"

"get back here, y/n." kija called.

"kija!" you exclaimed, rushing to him. you grabbed his wrist, dragging him with you. "let's go on a date in town."


"i just need to get away from yun. come on."

"i-i don't know if that's a good idea." he said as you continued to drag him and cause him to stumble over random rocks on the floor.

"look, we're here already." you pointed at the town that came into view. you slowed down your pace as you entered the town, looking around at the several stalls set up.

"so what do people do on a date?" kija asked.

"um, i guess they eat food together and buy cute things for each other... i'm not too sure." you replied.

"i thought you'd be experienced in this sort of thing."

"why's that?" you questioned, coming to a stop and admiring the white dragons beauty.

"aren't you in a relationship?"

"i was." you corrected. "but it was never really like that with all the freedom. anyway, i say we buy some cute jewellery. do you like to wear any?"

"oh... maybe a ring?"

"i see a stand there! come on."

to his surprise, your hand slipped into his dragon one, holding it softly as you guided him throughout the town. he glanced down at your entwined hands, feeling a range of emotions. it wasn't necessarily that he was flustered by the close contact, but shocked that you had decided to hold his dragon hard rather than his human one. from the beginning, you had shown your interest in his hand, but been respectful and treated him like he was any other person. it made him... happy. or maybe there was a much better word to describe it.

"ja... kija... kija!" you yelled for the nth time.

"what? huh?" he looked to the side, confused after having snapped out of his deep thoughts. that was when he realised the two of you had come to a stop by a stall.

"i was asking which one you wanted." you showed him the collection of rings.

"ah... could i please have this one." he pointed to a metal silver ring with a small indent on it.

𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇 ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ 𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐚 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐰𝐧Where stories live. Discover now