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"Hey Xinya

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"Hey Xinya. Where's your brother run off to? He's gonna miss dinner again"

Chan worriedly asked me, just as I was finishing my food.

"He's probably off somewhere sulking again. I've told him before that it's not gonna do him any good pouting alone all the time"

Jeongho sighed.

"He's probably outside. I'll find him and take him his food"

I quickly made a plate for him and was about to leave the room, but Jeongho stopped me.

"I'm going with you. He'll need something to drink right?

He walked passed me, holding a glass of water.

"So you're not coming with me to make sure that I get to him safely?"

I asked, smiling at him.

"Don't make me answer that"

He looked back at me with a small smirk on his face.

We made our way outside and searched around the perimeter for him, and finally found him sitting on the roof of the watchtower next to the house.

I flew up to him, while Jeongho scaled the wall to get to the roof. We both sat on either side of him, but he didn't say a word.

After a few minutes of saying nothing, he finally broke the silence.

"I know that you're all worried about me, but don't be. Please, just got back inside"

"You should know by now that I'm not leaving you here alone Reirei"

"Did you forget about what happened just a couple days ago? You can't just sit out here by yourself dude. And it's even more dangerous since it's already nine at night"

Jeongho lightly scolded him, but he said nothing.

"Reirei. Just please talk to us..."

I held one of his hands, while holding his plate in the other.

He sighed, but finally gave in.

"I feel...bad. Worse than I usually do"

"Is it because of daddy and Nitro?"

He nodded.

"I've been such a big jerk to Nitro, when all he wanted was to be my brother. I don't know what got into me to make me treat him less than that. He's always been so nice to me, but I know that lately he's been scared of me. I never meant to push him away like I did. We used to be so close, all three of us were. But, I just had to go and ruin that by pushing him away. And now, I've made him keep a promise that he was probably so scared to go through with. I've put him in grave danger, all because I was so selfish. I shouldn't have done that... He probably feels like he has to prove himself to me, for me to finally accept him as a brother..."

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