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Because Li was down, they soon returned to the fallen temple once again.

Before doing anything else, Tayden healed all of his comrades once again, but they didn't rush Renjun to wake up after he was healed. Everyone, except Taeyong who was talking to Li, stayed close to make sure they were all alright, paying the most attention to Renjun, and the kids.

"Jeongho... I'm so so sorry... I was careless with you, and I should've kept a close eye on you.... I don't know what I would've done if I lost you..."

Jeno couldn't stop hugging his son, continuously apologizing to him out of his pure and utter guilt.

"Dad! I'm fine, really! I am!"

Jeongho kept trying to reassure him that he was alright, but Jeno refused to let him go for the time being.

Nevertheless, he was still very happy to see how much his father cared about him and his well-being.


Not long after, Li angrily cried and tried to attack Taeyong yet again, but Doni suddenly showed up and blocked his attack.


"Taeyong! What exactly did you just say to them?!"

"Nothing! All I said was that we were going to help him and Tristin, and that they didn't have to be a destroyer if they didn't want to be!"

"Damn it... The second part of what you said is exactly what Ruby always used to tell him! You may not have meant to, but you just triggered them both even more than before!"

Li's body suddenly seemed to glitch out, similar to how Xinya's would whenever she used her Malfunction ability, and he took on a new incredibly unstable form.

The entire area suddenly went dark, the only light source being himself and the power that radiated from him in the form of a storm as he floated off of the ground

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The entire area suddenly went dark, the only light source being himself and the power that radiated from him in the form of a storm as he floated off of the ground.

"Hey! Where did Jaemin go?!"

"I'm back, don't worry!"

Mark calmed down after he suddenly reappeared.

But when he returned, managed to bring Felix with him.

"I have a plan to end this quicker! This fight might be easier if we can get Renjun to use my Stand Arrow on Gold Experience!"

Felix explained, holding said arrow in his hand.

Hearing every word of what he said, Li immediately turned his head to the group, sending immediate shivers down their spines

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Hearing every word of what he said, Li immediately turned his head to the group, sending immediate shivers down their spines.

As most of the hero's charged to fight him again, Johnny zapped Renjun awake. However, he was still a bit out of it as he laid in a sort of trance.

"If Li gets that arrow and uses it on King Crimson, we're all done for! Protect Renjun, Felix, and the arrow, no matter what!"

Taeyong ordered his team, stressing the issue at hand as Li attacked him and summoned Unversed to retrieve the arrow.

Everyone did their best to protect them for Felix to try and get Renjun to come back to his senses, but he was having a hard time because of the lingering effects of the corruption. Taeyong was doing his best to fight off Tristin, but he dodged one of his attacks and suddenly put his whole hand except for his thumb into his mouth.


Li angrily yelled, applying so much brute force that he broke Taeyong's jaw before throwing him aside.

Seeing that seemed to drain everyone's confidence, except for Xinrei and Xinya, who only became angrier.

"Nitro, stay and help dad"

"We'll help take care of Li"

Both ordered Nitro to stay with their father, both unlocking their final powers as they walked off.

Despite still being out of it, Renjun reached out to grab the arrow from Felix, but one of the Unversed emerged from under them and flung them into the air. The arrow went flying and hit the ground further away, but Jungwoo easily grabbed it after he lit up the area more to find it. Kun and Johnny caught Renjun and Felix, and Jungwoo managed to get to Felix to return the arrow to him.

But Kun could hear Renjun mumbling to himself, and became worried by his saddened expression.

"What is it Renjun??"

"This is all my fault... I should've never been brought into existence.. You all would've been better off if I wasn't around at all.. I-I'm so sorry for what I've done because of the corruption.. I don't remember what happened...b-but I know I caused all of you pain..."

"Renjun.. That's not-"

"I'm a blight to everyone I've come into contact with... Y-You all should just leave me to die..."

Upon hearing this, Johnny immediately became angry with the younger's words.

Right after they safely landed on the ground, Johnny put an electric barrier around them to keep the Unversed from getting to them or the arrow, and proceeded to slap Renjun across his face.

"Pull yourself together damn it! There's no reason for you to be thinking like this other than the corruption! Nothing that's happened is your fault! If you had never been born, a bunch of us wouldn't be alive today, especially the kids! Everyone is doing their best to help you and Tristin! Even Xinrei and Xinya are fighting him now! So pull your head out of your ass and snap out of it! P-Please...just be the amazing, kindhearted person that we all know and love, and help us all live another day to be with you!!"

Johnny angrily yelled at him, tears eventually running down his face from the fear of losing what they had.

With Johnny's help, Renjun had finally snapped out of it the moment he slapped him, the electricity that he produced being what brought him back to his senses.

"I'm really sorry for worrying all of you.. And thank you Johnny-hyung for bringing me back"

Renjun finally smiled once again, immediately apologizing to Kun and Johnny and wiping away his tears.

"Felix, what do I have to do?"

Once again becoming serious, he inquired Felix about the arrow.

"There's really nothing to it. All you have to do is pierce your Stand with the arrow, then we'll see if it'll accept you as its new master"

"Right. Thanks again for helping us. I really appreciate this"

"Don't mention it. It's really good to have you back hyung~"

Felix smiled and gave him the arrow.

Soon after he gave Renjun the arrow, he called out Gold Experience and gave it the arrow before it turned its back to him. Seeing this, Li started emitting a peculiar energy, leading Jaemin to finally use his Precognition ability to see what would happen.

"...Oh shit! He's going to use a type of erasing ability! Protect yourself if you can!"

Just a second before the powerful wave hit all of them, Xinrei and Xinya escaped to another dimension and Renjun did the same as his Stand impaled itself with the arrow.

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