Effect Sequel
Years after Renjun and his brothers saved the universe from certain doom, the next generation of heroes were born into the world.
Their mission?
To protect the universe from a new evil, and save the ones they love.
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After finally returning home to reunite with their wives and mothers, the Fighting Dreamers and Paramounts spent plenty of time together with their families after being apart for so long.
Just like he used to do before, Jaemin also returned to live-streaming for his fans, but this time, with Sungmin as his permanent partner. For their returning stream, Jaemin streamed his reaction to the newest episodes of Attack on Titan that released on Earth, and Sungmin played the new Pokémon Legends: Arceus since it had finally been released on Ethora.
"And that brings us to the end of Episode 80: From You, 2000 Years Ago. Right off the bat, I have to say that there's plenty of great comparisons between this season and the manga, and the animations are simply incredible. It's so surreal to finally get to see The Rumbling animated, even if it is just the first part of it. As far as Eren goes with him fighting for freedom, I'm not saying that I'm not on his side, because I always have been on his side from the jump. However, I am saying that he is taking it too far"
Jaemin gave his short review of the episode after it ended, making sure not to skip the outro ost.
"I agree with that. Sacrificing the whole world for the sake of trying to give his friends peaceful lives is going too far, hence why they ultimately chose to stop him in the end. It's not hard to understand where he's coming from, but his mindset has gotten to the point where he'd kill innocent people as well as the ones that wronged the Eldians. In the end, he succeeded in causing pain and heartache for the ones he loved, including his own father. But in a way, it makes Eren an amazing and well written character all together, playing the role of both the protagonist and the antagonist incredibly well"
Sungmin added her input as she continued to complete side missions in her game.
"Wow... I didn't think you'd remember the manga that well Sungmin.."
"I remember that you used to read a lot of manga to me all the time when I was younger. Attack on Titan was always one of my favorites, so I used to look into it a lot on my spare time, especially the anime"
She smiled, recalling the good memories she had with her father.
"Huh? I think I just saw a comment about Sungchan-oppa"
"Really?? Let's see here.."
Jaemin scrolled through the stream's comments to find the comment she spoke of, coming across it after a few seconds.
"Ah~. Here it is~. It seems it's about Sungchan possessing the Attack Titan like Eren, and also about Ymir's Curse"
"I was thinking about that too actually. Normally, after a Titan Shifter awakens their powers, they only have thirteen more years to live afterwards. Does that mean he only has thirteen years left to live too?"