"Jeno, wait!"
Mark tried to stop Jeno from attacking Renjun, but he was already too angry to listen to anyone.
But just as Jeno was about to hit him, Renjun suddenly disappeared. The Gang Stars immediately became fearful of what was unfolding, feeling something familiar with his vanishing act. Seeing Jaemin's lifeless body on the ground only made Jeno more angry, and he punched the nearby table so hard that it went flying through one of the ship's windows.
"Damn it!! Where the hell did you slither off to?!"
Jeno angrily yelled, looking around the room for his brother without moving from where he stood.
"Right behind you"
Renjun suddenly reappeared right behind Jeno, but his malice was enough to turn Jeno's anger into fear.
The older roughly grabbed one of his shoulders, and one of the crimson arms reappeared and punched him clean though his torso as well.
Jeongho tried running to save his father, but Jonah quickly grabbed him to stop him.
Jonah was afraid that the same thing would happen to Jeongho, and refused to let the boy get any closer.
"...I.. I'm not dying..just yet.."
Jeno managed to speak up, using Sticky Fingers to trap the crimson arm him his wound.
"...I'm not giving up..without getting a shot in..!"
Jeno yelled, managing to attack Renjun with his Stand, elbowing him in the chest.
Effect: The Next Generation [✔️]
أدب الهواةEffect Sequel Years after Renjun and his brothers saved the universe from certain doom, the next generation of heroes were born into the world. Their mission? To protect the universe from a new evil, and save the ones they love. ★started:3-11-202...