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The Next Day
My Day Tower


"Are you sure you're alright?"

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"Are you sure you're alright?"

Xuefen continued to ask Junsung.

The events that took place the previous day really affected him. He barely left his side ever since he got hurt, but Junsung couldn't really blame him.

Currently, the two were sitting on the roof of the ship, approaching their next location.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. Like I said before, I only passed out because I couldn't breathe for a while, but once the zombie let me go, I woke up because I could breathe again"

"I know, but still... We were all powerless to help you until Uncle Ren saved you. I'm sorry that I couldn't help you..."

"Hey, stop apologizing for that. It's not your fault. It was a really tense situation, and you all tried your best"

"That is true, I gue-. Hey, what's that Cucco doing on your head???"


Almost immediately after he mentioned it, Junsung felt something running around on his head.

He quickly grabbed it and brought it down to his view. It was indeed a Cucco, trying to runs its way out of his grasp.

"What??? How did you get here?? I didn't even feel you land on my head

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"What??? How did you get here?? I didn't even feel you land on my head. You must be light as a feather"

"Nice joke..."

"Thank you, thank you~"

"Would you mind putting me down please?"

The Cucco suddenly spoke, startling the two boys.

"U-Um, sure"

Junsung gently set it down in between them, and it suddenly shifted to an actual person that sat in between them.

"This really is a lovely view

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"This really is a lovely view. You really get a nice look of our base from here"

He smiled.

"Wait. Are you-"

"That's right. I'm the oldest member of Day6. The name's Park Jaehyung, but you can call me Jae, or you can call me by my hero name, eaJ"

"Gotcha. So why show up to us as a Cucco instead of waiting for the ship to park?"

Xuefen questioned him.

"Pretty simple really. I wanted to make sure this wasn't an enemy ship. And luckily for you, you're not enemies"

"What would've happened if we were???"

"Easy. Junhyuk would've killed you all"

He stated, a smile still plastered on his face.

"Or at least shoot the ship down, but only out of defense of course. Anyway, I'll let the others know that you're not here to attack us"

He then changed back into a Cucco, and flew off to the tower right before the ship parked.

"...I think it's safe to say that we don't wanna get on their bad side"



The ship parked at the top deck of the base, and all six members flocked inside.

"Well, it's nice to see you guys again"

Junhoe smiled, to which Dowoon frowned.

"You know, you guys could always stop being so secretive and territorial. That way, you'd see us a lot more often"

"And what about you guys hyung? Sungjin-hyung built your base at the top of a mountain in the middle of a cold ass wasteland"

"Touché... Anyway we heard about what happened, so how can we help?"

"Yeah. And is Renjun here?"

Wonpil curiously asked.

"Dad is sleeping right now. He's in no position to fight or be out of bed right now"

"I take it that something bad happened to him while he was trapped on Ethora right? How did you guys manage to save him anyway while you were busy recruiting?"

"I'm actually the one that rescued dad. I was stuck on Ethora with him, so I was able to save him, with some help of course. I can explain the other details later if you guys want"

Nitro offered.

"We'd love to hear the story after we take off. And maybe I can help him heal faster. My power allows me to make potions, so I could whip up something to help him heal faster if you'd like"

Younghyun offered, but Xinrei declined.

"I think we're good for now. We want dad to heal naturally, even if it might take a while. But if we change our minds, we'll come to you hyung"

"So where are we off to next? I know we're not your last stop"

Junhyuk questioned, slightly intimidating Xuefen and Junsung.

"You guys are the last group that we had to find on this planet. So now, we can head off to Planet Apra for a group called K.A.R.D. Then we move on to the next planet"

"That's it?? Just one group from Apra??"

Sungjin questioned.

"Yeah. We only have seven planets left, including Apra"

"Well I guess beggars can't be choosers. They are very reliable, so let's hurry up and get to them~"

Wonpil happily cheered, eagerly taking a seat.

Everyone panned out into different directions as the ship took off to the next planet.

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