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"So... I'm really not an Android after all.."

"Right. I had already figured it out when I healed you, but this really confirms it"

Robin and I are in the infirmary at the moment running diagnostics on his internal structure.

His anatomy actually isn't that different from mine

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His anatomy actually isn't that different from mine. He has the same Nephalem blood in him that courses through me, and even has a somewhat normal biology.

However, even though we once suspected him to be an Android, I don't even think we should even classify him as one anymore. He has lots of robotic parts, some of which that are completely merged with his organs and other bodily systems, but he's not even close to being a robot. If anything, he's merely bionic.

Besides that though, we're exactly the same. Even though we're from different dimensions and go by different names, the scanners even classify us as the exact same person.

"I believed it the first time you told me, it just felt so...unreal. The Boss was lying to me this whole time. He never recreated me as an Android. He just upgraded my body and gave me new abilities"

"And after all that, he still didn't tell you that you could short circuit if water got into your system like that"

"Right.. But in the end, I did it to myself you know? I'm the one that slit my throat, not you. Back then, I completely forgot about the reason I wanted to keep living"

"Because you want to be your own person right? Just like the others do?"

"Yeah... Ever since we met The Boss, he's drilled it into our heads to be the better versions of you guys. He drilled that into me especially.. But I don't want to be another Renjun. I just want to be Robin"

"I completely understand. But is that really the only reason you wanted to keep on living?"

I asked, feeling that there was more to it than just that.

"...You really know how to read people Renjun. I also want to be there for the other Gang Stars. At first they were mainly just teammates that I had to work with as their secondary leader, but now they've become my friends. We trust and believe in each other like friends would, and we worked together to help you and your team. Now that I think about it, I can't imagine what life would be like without them now"

"And that's what it means to truly love someone. When someone really means a lot to you, even if you don't realize it, that's exactly what it'll feel like. To give an example, that's how Marshall-hyung feels about Leon and Daegal and how Damian feels about Kano. That's even how Jonah felt about the Remorse Sword that you made for him"

"Ohhh, I get it~. Then, I must've loved the others for a while then. I can't remember when I started feeling that way about them, but I know that it's been for a long time. I just don't know how to express that love for them the best way I can yet..."

"That's fine~. You didn't know that your feelings were still real until today anyways. And I can always help you express yourself more"

I kindly offered.

"I would love that~. Thank you~"

"Knock knock~"

Xinya knocked on the door, with Xinrei, Nitro, and Tayden behind her.

"Come on in kids~. What's going on?"

"We're making Cream Cheese Wontons for everyone"

"Taeyong-hyung and Johnny-hyung are helping us~"

"We already finished a few batches, so here's some for you and Robin-hyung~"

Tayden handed both of us a plate, and Nitro gave us both glasses of green tea.

"That's so sweet of you kids.. Thank you so much.. I'm really sorry for everything my team and I have done before now..."

Robin apologized once again, becoming a bit emotional from their kindness.

"It's ok~"

"Any friend of dad's is a friend of ours, even if they've made mistakes"

"Don't worry about it~"

"Everyone deserves a chance~"

The kids didn't seem remotely upset with Robin at all, expressing their forgiveness before leaving the room.

Xinrei didn't even seem upset with him, even though he looked a lot more serious than the other three.

"I know that one of them isn't yours, but those are some really special kids..."

Robin smiled, before eating one of his Wontons and sipping some of his tea.

"And they really know how to cook and make tea! These are really good~!"

His mood improved instantly from how good the food was.

This is the first time I've seen him so excited about something. I'm glad that I can see him happy this soon, especially after everything he's been through. 

"I knew you would like it~"

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