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Lee Family Residence


"I'm really glad that this place is still in tact"

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"I'm really glad that this place is still in tact"

Marshall let out a sigh of relief upon seeing that Mark's old house was still standing.

He and Mark were also happy to see that the roses Renjun grew in front of the house were still healthy. Minkyu didn't comment on the house, however, since it was his first time ever being there. But to keep him calm, Mark held his hand just as Marshall held his other hand.

"...Let's head inside"

Mark mumbled, causing Marshall to worry about him a bit.


Upon entering the house and showing the two around the different rooms, Marshall could tell that something was wrong with Mark.

He didn't expect him to be in a cheery mood in the slightest, but he didn't expect him to be as reserved as he was either.

Wherever they would ask him a question, he would respond either with just one word or just by nodding or shaking his head. And when it got closer to the point where they would have to go upstairs to his parents' room, he would do his best to try and procrastinate on going to that specific room.

"Hey, Mark. Are you ever going to tell us what's going on with you today?"


"Ever since we were on our way here, you've been acting a lot more reserved. And now it's like you don't even want to see your parents upstairs. Please tell us what's going on.."


"Dad.. You've been making us worry this whole time. This may be my first time here, but I can feel that something's wrong.."

Knowing that he couldn't keep what he had been hiding from them a secret any longer, Mark finally decided to lead them upstairs.

"...Follow me"


"Wait, what??? They actually disappeared this time??? Ok now I know something's up! Did someone take or move them while we were gone???"

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"Wait, what??? They actually disappeared this time??? Ok now I know something's up! Did someone take or move them while we were gone???"

Marshall began to panic, just as Mark had years before.

"...No. No one took them"

"Dad? Do you know what happened to them..?"

"Mark.. What did you do..?"

Before answering their questions, he pulled a picture frame out of the drawer of the nearby nightstand.

He gave it to them for them to hold onto it, before requesting that they follow him again. As they followed him back down the stairs, Minkyu and Marshall examined the frame, viewing the two pictures inside.

Both pictures were of him and his parents together, but Mark looked different in both. In one, he looked completely happy, as if he didn't have a care or worry in the world. But in the other, he looked a lot sadder; his smile had completely disappeared and he looked like he was uncomfortable with his parents' hands on his shoulders.

After comparing the two pictures, they both realized that they were taken at two specifically different times. The first was taken before he got his ice powers, and the other was taken some time after he got them, but also some time before the accident.

In the first, he had no problem with his parents touching him because he had no powers to control. But in the other, he only looked uncomfortable because he didn't want to accidentally hurt them with his ability. However, the two were still confused as to why Mark gave them the frame and why his parents disappeared from their bed.


The Backyard


Upon exiting the house through the back door, they finally figured out what was wrong with Mark.

As soon as they walked outside, they saw two gravestones, both of which had dirt in front of them that had been recently disturbed. On top of the dirt we're multiple tiny roses, and on the gravestones read the names of Mark's parents.


"Mark.. When did this happen..."

The two immediately noticed when Mark wiped his eyes, knowing that he was trying his best to hide his tears.

"...Some time after we saved Tristin-hyung and came home, I came back here with Renjun to visit my parents again. But that day, I wanted to do something different. I felt like they wouldn't be able to move on while they were still laying in their bed. So...Renjun helped me properly lay them to rest"

"And he added the roses too.."


Mark frowned sitting in front of their graves.

Marshall and Minkyu didn't know whether to leave him alone or stay by his side, but in the end, they sat on either side of him to keep him company.

"You made the right decision dad.. It takes a lot of strength to do something like that. I know it must've hurt a lot.."

"..I'm sorry you didn't get to meet them Kyu. It's all my-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence. We all know that what happened was out of your control. Trying to blame yourself again isn't going to help anyone, especially not you. Kyu may not have gotten the opportunity to meet them and vise versa, but there's nothing that we can do about that now. They would want you to be happy with the new family you've created for yourself, and find peace from your tragedy"

Marshall lightly scolded Mark, trying to prevent him from freezing up again.

When Marshall covered his mouth, he could feel how cold Mark's skin was to the touch already. But after he stopped him from blaming himself, he eventually warmed up again.

"I'm not mad or anything because they're not here. But I am happy that they get to rest peacefully. Just remember all of the good times you had with them and all of the things they did for you. That way, they'll at least continue to live on in your memories. As long as you don't forget them, they'll never truly be gone"

Minkyu reassured his father, both he and Marshall resting their heads on either of his shoulders.

Mark was still a bit sad about everything that happened and wasn't sure if he'd ever truly be able to move on, but he found comfort in Minkyu and Marshall nonetheless.

"..I love you guys. Thank you..."

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