Effect Sequel
Years after Renjun and his brothers saved the universe from certain doom, the next generation of heroes were born into the world.
Their mission?
To protect the universe from a new evil, and save the ones they love.
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Xinrei and his ever growing crew landed their ships in one of the landing areas of Shawol City, and they all departed to find SHINee.
While walking up to the biggest palace in the city, Xinrei spotted someone floating in the sky. He pointed him out to everyone else, and they all saw him too.
The mysterious person noticed that they could all see him, and he silently lead them to the palace. They ran after him and soon made it to the front entrance.
The person flew inside, fazing right through the door. Before they entered, they found a lonesome plushie sitting on the ground by the door.
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Xinya took a liking to it, and takes it with them inside the palace.
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Upon entering, they immediately found four out of five members of SHINee: Taemin, Key, and Minho stood together, waiting for them to come in. And Jonghyun joined them, landing on the ground after seeing that everyone made it inside.
"Welcome to our palace everyone. We've been expecting you. Jonghyun informed us that you all were able to see him, so we know that none of you are any of the possessed heroes"