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1 Week Later
Redwood Forest



Tayden exclaimed, running up to said structure.

"It sure is~

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"It sure is~. Feel free to look around~"

Renjun encouraged the three.

Tayden ran off with Doni while Tristin just stared at the outside.

"So you noticed hyung?"

"How...? How did you guys completely replicate our old house...? When did you even have the time to do this..?"

Tristin looked like he didn't know whether to cry or smile because of how sudden everything was.

"We have a set of special hard drives that can completely remake anything we want. Although for this project, we needed help from Doni-hyung and Jamie. Hyung remembered some of the details, but Jamie helped out by looking into the past to see exactly what it looked like before it was destroyed"

"You really did that for us Jamie..?"

Tristin looked back at the younger, and he nodded.

"I wanted to help you get back more of what you lost. It was really no trouble at all hyung~"

"..Are you ok? I remember that you never used to sleep or blink because of how scared you were to see your past. I know that you're able to do those things now, but I hope I didn't cause you any pain just to replicate our house..."

Jamie seemed surprised, but also happy, that the older still remembered how he used to be tormented by his power, and how he was concerned about his well-being.

"I-I'm fine hyung, really! Jaemin and Sungmin helped me learn to control it better, so it doesn't torment me anymore~"

"I see.. That's such a relief.. I'm thankful to all of you for looking after the Gang Stars and helping them"

Tristin thanked all of them for helping his team after taking them in, still worrying to himself if they still considered him a part of their team.


1 Hour Later
Redwood Mountains


After spending some time showing Doni, Tayden, and Tristin around their new home, the group travelled to the Redwood Mountains nearby to show the Gang Stars their new home.

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