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Backstory #2

Jean Parc


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Jean was born the same way that Jisung was: as the son of Poseidon, sculpted from the very waters of the ocean. Along with this, he was also born as the reincarnation of Erebus, the god of darkness.

Unlike Jisung, his father wasn't there for him at all. He only created him, but never even took the time to try and bond with him. He left him on his own, never taking the time to protect him or lead him to a new, loving home.

At his very young age, he was forced to fend for himself, knowing nothing about the world around him. And after the many years of hiding that went by, he was attacked by a gang. He tried fighting back to defend himself, but he was just too weak and inexperienced to do so. In the end, that gang overpowered him, which cost him his legs.

He was left to die, unable to run away from his problems anymore. However, Jean refused to give up. He refused to die in such diminishing manner.

Unable to get around normally, he found a way to combine his water and darkness to form Dark Water to help him get around. A couple more years went by, until he finally stumbled upon someone who could help him, someone who was nice enough to make him a motorized wheelchair, free of charge.

It not only helped him get around faster and efficiently, it also possessed powerful weapons to help him fight and defend himself, along with many different and useful methods of mobility

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It not only helped him get around faster and efficiently, it also possessed powerful weapons to help him fight and defend himself, along with many different and useful methods of mobility.

He spent the rest of his days wandering the streets, killing anyone who tried to take away his "legs" again. He refused to be demoted back to his helpless state of living.

Jean doesn't remember how, but eventually, he ended up meeting a peculiar stranger. The stranger seemed nice at first, but he was soon forced to join his alliance after he threatened to take his wheelchair away.

The stranger took him in once he agreed to join him, giving him a new place to call "home". He agreed to protect him, so long as he worked under him as his apprentice to carry out his dirty work. He fought for the stranger, only to protect his "legs", wishing that he could find a way to escape from his new prison.

Jean stayed, only to fulfill his own wishes and to stay protected under the stranger. He began his new life, under the direct tutelage of The Boss.

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