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"I'm sorry that I grew up so much dad. I know that you wanted me to grow up normally, but I had no choice"

"Junsung, you don't have to apologize for that. There will be times where you'll have to make sacrifices like the one you made. And I'm very proud of you for the choice you made"

Jisung smiled.

The two of them were sitting in their room enjoying Dragon Fruits together, whist having a little chat.

"Thanks dad. Oh. And I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused when I was still a baby. I'll do my best to make up for it"

"You don't have to worry about that. Why're you apologizing so much??"

"I just feel like I should apologize. I know that I've probably upset you and mom plenty of times"

"That doesn't matter to us. Upsetting others is just one of the ways of being alive. Nobody can change that fact. You didn't do anything wrong, so stop apologizing like you have, alright?"

"Alright... Thank you..."

"No problem kid~"

Jisung smiled.

"By the way, what were you like as a baby?"

"That's a doozy. I didn't go through the whole baby faze"

"Huh?! How does that work?!"

Junsung asked, nearly dropping his fruit.

"Well, dad made me from the ocean's water. When he formed me, I was already at the age of four and just grew up from there"

"So..., you're kinda like a water nymph?!"

Junsung exclaimed, making Jisung nearly choke on his fruit. 

"N-Not exactly. Water nymphs are primarily female, but I guess I might fall somewhere close to that category... I've never really thought about it before"

"That's the only thing that I can think of... But enough of that for now. I want to know something. Back when you were still possessed, what was it like before the others saved you?"

"Hmm... That's tough... I think the others can say the same, but the main thing I remember is being lost in darkness. Before the darkness, I only remember when we were attacked at the party. And after all of that, I only remember waking up here on the ship"

"I see.. That must've been scary..."

"I think that's the best word to describe the situation. I couldn't do anything, and I felt nothing but pain and fear. Even if that darkness felt a bit soothing and nice, that didn't change how I felt"

"I wish that I could've done something to help you..."

"Hey, it's ok! Just you staying alive was enough! I don't know what I would've done if I lost you.."

Jisung frowned.

"There's no way that you would've lost me dad. There's no way that I could leave you and mom behind. And besides, the others wouldn't be able to function without me, especially Xuefen-hyung"

Junsung smiled, forgetting that he was now older than his best friend.

"You're so mature now. I don't know whether to cry tears of joy or give you a hug..."

"I think the hug will suffice"

Junsung wasted no time and hugged his father, being able to properly embrace him for the first time.

"Jeez.. You're as tall as me now. This is just so surreal.."

"No matter how much I grow, I'll still be your's and mom's baby"

"Always and forever..~"

"Hey guys~! Dinner is ready~!"

They heard Wooyoung yell from down the hall.


"Soup's on~!"

Chenle and Xuefen exclaimed, zooming down the hall.

"Oh wait. I called him hyung before didn't I..? I forgot I'm older than him now"

"That doesn't matter. You can call him whatever you want as long as you're both comfortable with it. Take me and Chenle for example. He's older than me, but I don't call him hyung since we're also best friends, and it just feels right for both of us"

"I see.. So I don't have to stop calling him hyung?"

"Not in the slightest kid. You do you~"


He smiled once more.

"But, I suppose that I should do something with your old crocodile plushie. I'm guessing that you don't want it anymore right?"

"Please don't take Croconaw away!!!"

Junsung suddenly exclaimed.


"Hey, no worries~. I was just testing something. I'm glad to see that you haven't changed so much that you wouldn't want it anymore~"

Jisung smiled before playfully exiting the room.

Junsung only sighed with a small smile plastered on his face.

"You're killing me here dad..."

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