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Battle #5

Chenle vs Cassidy


Cassidy attacked Chenle the second they were transported to their battle zone, completely catching Chenle off guard

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Cassidy attacked Chenle the second they were transported to their battle zone, completely catching Chenle off guard.

Chenle couldn't deny the fact that he knew something had happened to him after he returned to The Boss, seeing the completely demented and broken look in his eyes. He knew it was something terrible if it made his Feral ability switch back on completely. He was so far gone that he didn't even think to use his Stand to have a better advantage in their current terrain. After trying to attack Chenle in his normal form and failing to harm him, Cassidy shapeshifted into his fox form instead.

Chenle eventually found it difficult to keep up with his speed, and copied him by shapeshifting into the exact same fox to combat him easier. Cassidy continued to fight him, but once he finally looked him in the eyes, he was taken aback upon seeing himself in Chenle, and became a bit hesitant when it came to harming him.

"Hey, are you alright Cass?"

Chenle asked, seeing his demeanor suddenly shift.

Chenle asking if he was alright, added on to him calling him by his nickname, made Cassidy's heart soften a bit. That in turn switched his power off momentarily.

Regardless, his Feral ability still took him over once again, hurting his head a bit when he tried to fight it. He continued to fight back against Chenle, but because deep down he only wished to be normal like him more than ever, Cassidy's power continuously switched on and off, which in turn made him weaker.

He tried to alter Chenle's senses instead, but because Chenle knew how that power worked, he worked his way around each of his senses that were altered. Chenle eventually managed to overpower him, which scared Cassidy to the point where is Feral ability completely switched off and made him shift back to normal.

After Chenle changed back as well, the frightened fox frantically backed away into one of the wide crystal shard structures that protruded from the ground. Though Chenle only continued to approach him to try and comfort and calm him, Cassidy was still terrified of him.

As a last resort, he tried using his Pain ability to transfer all of his physical pain to Chenle, attempting to turn the tables for him to try and finish him off. But instead, Cassidy accidentally transferred both his physical and emotional pain, both from their current battle and from what he went through recently with The Boss, as well as his past.

Chenle immediately felt the pain Cassidy felt from their current battle, but he also felt other sharp pains around his body. But the sharp pains in his lower backside were what stood out to him the most. Additionally, he felt the absolute fear, anger and helplessness that Cassidy had felt, but it wasn't from their battle.

"Cass.. Half of the pain that you just transferred to me isn't from this fight.. Just...what did The Boss do to you?!"

Chenle inquired him about it, making Cassidy realize his mistake.

He thought that Chenle intended to harm him, seeing the expression of lament and resentment on his face.

"A-Are you mad at me..?"

"Cass... Of course I'm not mad at you.. I'm just...really pissed off about what you've gone through, not just with The Boss. You went through everything that almost happened to me, and there was nothing I could do to stop it.."

"..Y-You almost went through the same thing?"

"I did.. When I was still very young I grew up with an abusive owner that eventually kicked me out. I ended up in an alleyway, but three guys that ended up being some of our biggest enemies found me. They only added to my injuries when I tried to get away from them. If Taeyong-hyung and Renjun-hyung hadn't found and helped me, they definitely would've gone passed sexually assaulting me and raped me. I have no doubt that we would've ended up the same if they hadn't rescued me.."

As Chenle explained his backstory, he used his Illusions ability to show Cassidy just what he went through.


"I'm really sorry Cass.. I'm sorry that no one was there for you in your times of need.."

Cassidy allowed Chenle to get closer to him, and didn't move when he gently pet him on his head.

"...The B-Boss... He hurt all of my friends, except for Robin-hyung, and made him watch as a gang of demon cats he summoned r-raped me. H-He told them that they could do whatever they wanted with me, b-but they had to keep me alive..."

"He was purposely trying to break your mind... He wanted to make you return to your old psychotic mindset.. I'm so sorry that we didn't make it to you all sooner Cass.. While we were making sure we were well rested for our fights, you were all being tortured by that asshole.."

"N-No. Don't blame yourself. It would've taken you all a while to come back anyway. B-But... I'm tired of killing... I just want to be normal like you..."

Chenle only smiled at the latter and removed his muzzle from his face, as a first step for helping him make his dream a reality.

"Leaving the muzzle off is a good start to getting there"

"B-But... What if I end up hurting someone..?"

"I know that this is something that you truly want Cass. With help, it can happen. I know that you'll be able to refrain from hurting others, and we're all here for you to help you with that"

"Lele... T-Thank you.."

"You don't have to thank me Cass. That's what friends are for~"

A portal abruptly appeared nearby for them to leave their current zone, and Chenle gladly let Cassidy ride on his back as he led them to the portal.

Despite being absolutely terrified of what The Boss would do to him, Cassidy chose to team up with Chenle, happy to have finally become his friend.

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