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The Next Day


"And that should do it~!"

"Are you ready for your surprise Jonah~?"

Robin excitedly asked him.

Jonah, Robin, Jeongho, and I are in the tech lab, but Jonah is blindfolded for a special reason.

Since The Boss destroyed the Remorse Sword that Robin made him, we helped him make Jonah a new sword. And now it's finally ready~.

"I'm ready"

"You can open your eyes now hyung"

Jeongho instructed him after he removed his blindfold.

When Jonah opened his eyes, he was met with Robin holding his new sword up to him. But this time, Robin had made him a replica of the Master Sword.


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Robin cheered, amused by the look on Jonah's face.

"Is that...?"

"It's a replica of the Master Sword~. I actually got the idea from Jeno. Renjun helped him make his replica of the Buster Sword, so I thought I'd make you a special sword like that~"

"And there's more~. This Master Sword is special. It can do everything the original sword can do, but this one also uses the power of darkness. It's capable of absorbing the darkness from anyone and anything and transferring it to you to strengthen your power. It can be useful with your Malevolence ability too, so you can have a greater hold on others when controlling them~"

I explained.

"I made this scabbard for you as well. This will make it easier for you to carry your new sword around"

Jeongho added.

He sheathed the sword, and then strapped it over Jonah's shoulder with a smile on his face.


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"I... I don't know what to say..."

"You don't have to say anything~. I wanted to make you this new sword since the old one was destroyed. Think of it as the start of a new chapter. We have a new life now with new friends, so it's only fitting to have a new sword too right~?"

Jonah only responded by hugging Robin, hiding his face in his shoulder.

"Awww, you're welcome Jonah~"

Robin hugged him back, elated to see how happy the latter was.

Jonah then proceeded to hug me and Jeongho next, and thanked us for helping Robin make his sword.

"So what are you gonna do with the Contempt Sword?"

Jeongho asked him.

"Well... As much as I wanted to get rid of it before, I just don't want to part with it now. The Boss may not have apologized for destroying Remorse, but he still gifted Contempt to me instead of just leaving me without a weapon. I won't get rid of it, but I won't use it that much either. I know that this Master Sword will be of more use to me"

He explained, displaying a small soft spot he had for the sword.

"I'm gonna go show it to the others"

He eagerly ran out of the room to show the others his new custom sword.

"I want to thank you both again for helping me make the sword for him. I really appreciate it"

Robin thanked us with a smile before running off after Jonah.

"Hey dad? Do you think that something is off with The Boss?"

"So you're thinking the same thing"

I brought over a couple chairs for us to sit in to properly have our discussion.

"It's just bugging me a bit. I mean, he destroyed Jonah-hyung's sword that he loved truly and dearly, but then gave him a new one as if he was making up for what he did. Not only that, but the situation with Robin-hyung confuses me"

"About The Boss bringing him back to life?"

"Exactly. He wants Uncle Renjun dead right? So since he and Robin-hyung are the same person, he should want him dead too right? But if that's the case, then he could've just left him for dead when he found him. Why did he bring him back to life in the first place? Especially if he was just going to kill him later"

"I was actually thinking about that too. It just doesn't make any sense. It's almost as if he's got two split personalities. There's one that cherished the Gang Stars, and one that's just an overall psychopathic killing machine..."

"We could ask Taeyong-hyung about it.. He's seen his identity, and he probably got some information out of him during their fight. We could get closer to finding out what his deal is"

Jeongho declared, confidently rising from his seat.

"Hold on a second kiddo. Let's not forget that he'll know when we pursue and investigate any information on his identity. Everyone is still resting at the moment, and we shouldn't use this time to put ourselves in danger. He could show up anywhere and anytime if we get even remotely close to figuring anything out. I know you're very eager to help, but for now let's just lay low and be patient"

I advised.

"Right.. Sorry about that dad.."

"Hey, don't worry about it bud. I just don't want to see any of you getting hurt. Come on, let's go get something to eat"


He held my hand as we exited the lab to head for the elevator.

Our discussion really makes me wonder though.. What if this really is just another misunderstanding.., like what happened with Xinyi..?

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