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Zone 5


Immediately after arriving to their zone, Jisung put air bubbles around all of his teammates' heads, except for himself, Jean, and Junsung since they could already breathe under the water that covered the entirety of the zone

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Immediately after arriving to their zone, Jisung put air bubbles around all of his teammates' heads, except for himself, Jean, and Junsung since they could already breathe under the water that covered the entirety of the zone.

Copying that technique, Li did the same thing for himself on his first try. Once he was sure that he could breathe, he attacked Taeyong first as usual. But before he could land a hit, Taeyong blocked with his Ends of the Earth Keyblade. Jaehyun immediately used his God Bind ability on him next, giving him the chance to touch him and copy his Etheral Blades ability. He had trouble using them at first after unbinding him, but he got used to it after a short time.

Jean had some trouble maneuvering under the water, especially with his new legs, but Jisung and Junsung helped him get used to it before he got hurt. Taeyong and Jaehyun fought Li together with ease since he had been weakened from the last battles, giving Junsung, Jean, and Jisung time to formulate a plan to finish the fight faster.

"Here's what I'm thinking. Dad showed me a summoning technique a while back. If I use that technique here, we might be able to get through this fight faster, and Junsung can finish this if he wants"

"I see.. We seem to have enough time and range to do it, so let's try"

"I agree"

Junsung and Jean agreed to Jisung's plan immediately.

"Great~. So, the beast that I can summon takes the form of a sea dragon. I can summon it alone just fine since I haven't wasted any of my power yet, but I think I can make it more powerful if Jean and I combine our power. I'd rather have Junsung just accompany us in the dragon to stay hidden for when he can finish this. That way, he won't waste any of his power"

"I'd be happy to help by lending you my power"

"And I'll do my best to stay hidden, until I might have to protect you both somehow"

"Right. Jean, all you have to do is hold my hand. That way, our power will circulate between the two of us. But we have to keep our hands held the entire time or the form might break after a while"

"Got it"

Jean immediately took his hand, and Jisung concentrated until he was finally able to summon his ocean beast.

"Entrusted beast to our royal family... Please come to our aid, Coral Reef Dragon!"

Immediately after Jisung called on it, the beast formed from under them, and the three were engulfed within it.

The dragon wasn't too big, but also wasn't too small, and closely resembled a coral reef. At the ends of some of the coral appendages, there were openings were energy from the sea resided to help with certain attacks.

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