Effect Sequel
Years after Renjun and his brothers saved the universe from certain doom, the next generation of heroes were born into the world.
Their mission?
To protect the universe from a new evil, and save the ones they love.
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Fighting Dreamers
⋄⋅Huang Renjun⋅⋄ ⋅⋄Hero Name: Villain⋄⋅
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◈ Decay ◈ He can manipulate decomposition, the process by which organic substances are broken down into simpler forms of matter. He can increase or decrease the rate of rotting, or stop, prevent or even reverse the effect. He is able to control all things/beings connected to decomposition such as vermin, worms and maggots. He may control scavengers, such as coyotes, dogs, wolves, foxes, rats, crows and vultures, or take their forms
◈Plant Manipulation◈ He can create, shape and manipulate plants, including wood, vines, plants, moss, and parts of the plants, such as leaves, seeds, roots, fruits and flowers
◈ Animation ◈ He can use the seven forms of animation to give life to inanimate objects and substances, animating them to act and move on their own accord out of his control
◈ Nephalem ◈ He is the offspring of both an Angel and a Demon that possesses demonic and angelic powers, and has become more powerful than either side
◈ Healing ◈ He can restore biotic organisms to their optimal health, curing damaged or withered organisms, wounds, broken bones, low vitality, and diseases/poisoning
◈ Whirlwind ◈ It grants him the ability to completely control the air around him. He's able to manipulate gusts of wind, with little to no movement from his body at all, letting him create strong gales and small tornadoes that he'll have full mastery over. Great winds can be used to propel him, the people around him, and different objects all at the same time. While he can activate this power, even while subdued, Whirlwind loses significant strength and speed if he becomes unable to move his limbs around. As high temperatures are known to push air away, large amounts of fire may affect the flow of his wind as well, disrupting his control over the power
◈ Green Fire Manipulation ◈ He is able to create, shape and manipulate green flames, more intense than red and blue fire
◈ Super Sonic ◈ He is able to use the form "Velocious Vulpes" to move at super sonic speeds, able of bouncing and propelling off of surfaces to move even faster