Currently, Jamie is sitting with me and Sungmin on the kitchen floor near the windows.
While most of the kids are still making special Wontons for everyone, the three of us are helping Jamie control his eyes, since we already finished ours.
" can this work?"
"Hmm... From what I remember, you said that you used to have eyes like mine right?"
He nodded to confirm that.
"Let's see.. Then these eyes should work the same, despite them being the opposite"
"What I mean is, you should be able to control them the same way you did the last ones. I've also noticed that when you blink, you don't do it fast. You keep your eyes closed for a few seconds instead of just letting it happen"
"I see.. I guess I just get nervous and kind of force it? Or maybe I should say prolong it..?"
He didn't really know how to explain it, but we could understand what he meant.
"That could be it. So let's try something new. Instead, don't think about it and just let it happen. Think of it like how you didn't think about keeping your eyes open, because you were used to doing that for so long"
"Here, do it just like this"
Sungmin demonstrated how to blink properly, making sure he was watching closely.
"..I'll try"
Jamie looked scared, but I held his hand to calm him down.
It took him a few seconds, but he finally managed to do it~. And this time, he did it properly~.
"Great job oppa~"
"You did really good Jamie~. But did you see anything?"
I asked, wanting to make sure.
"Actually....I didn't! I didn't even see any darkness!"
"That's great~. That's what it's like to blink the proper way, and that's how you'll be able to control your power better~"
"You'll get it in no time oppa~"
Sungmin and I encouraged him.
"Guys~! We have a surprise~"
Jisung suddenly entered the room with Junsung and Jean.
But Jean had new legs and was actually walking!
"Jean?! When did this happen?! You're actually walking~!"
Jamie excitedly got up and approached the younger, with us following closely behind him.
"Jisung and Junsung whipped these up for me, and they work great~. Now I don't have to rely on my wheelchair anymore~. I can be like you guys now~"
Jean happily hugged Jamie, towering over him a bit like how Jisung kind of towers over me.
"You two really outdid yourselves. I didn't you would volunteer to help Junsung"
Sungmin confronted the taller boy.
"I helped in any way I could. I don't know as much as dad, but I do have a bit of a knack for programming. I gave hyung multiple mobility options and even found a way to wirelessly connect his chair to his legs"
Junsung explained.
"He sure did~. And check this out~"
Jean demonstrated one of his new means of mobility.
He quickly scurried a few meters away, and was suddenly able to roll across the room on wheels that were on the heels of his new feet!
"Woah there superstar! I wouldn't want you running into the wall. Maybe it would be best to do that somewhere with no obstacles next time. I'm still very happy for you though~. You look so happy now~"
Taeyong quickly grabbed Jean and gently held him off the ground, preventing him from hurting himself.
Jean blushed a bit, seeming to be flattered by Taeyong calling him superstar.
"T-Thank you hyung~"
"Now go have fun~"
"And be careful~"
Johnny added as Taeyong gently set him down.
"I will~"
Jean ran off with a smile on his face, probably to go find Cassidy.
"I'm gonna follow him to make sure he doesn't hurt himself. I'll meet up with you guys later"
Jamie ran off behind him, following the sound of his clanking feet against the floor.
"You two really did an amazing job. Jean looks so happy now"
"We could say the same to you and Sungmin, hyung. Jamie-hyung looks really happy as well"
Jisung smiled.
Junsung and Sungmin ran off to help the other kids finish making the rest of the Wontons, while the two of us decided to stay together and chat.
"I'm so proud of Jamie. I can't wait to see how he does in the future"

Effect: The Next Generation [✔️]
FanfictionEffect Sequel Years after Renjun and his brothers saved the universe from certain doom, the next generation of heroes were born into the world. Their mission? To protect the universe from a new evil, and save the ones they love. ★started:3-11-202...