▹Introduction pt.2◃

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⋅Lee Taeyong⋅
Hero Name: Elemental

⋄⋅Lee Taeyong⋅⋄⋅⋄Hero Name: Elemental⋄⋅

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God of Fortune
He is an immortal god of fortune who sometimes grants the wishes of those with good intentions and brings good luck to his friends and family

God of War
He is also an immortal snake god of war who will go as far as relentlessly slaughtering those who hurt anyone he cares about

He can speak, write, understand and communicate in any language, including computer codes, languages they have never been heard before, sign language, lip-reading, illegible words, backwards speech, and writing with little or no training

He can shoot air from the propulsion boosters at the bottom of his feet, giving him an incredible jumping ability at great speed. With this power, Taeyong can easily overwhelm enemies with high-speed attacks. In enclosed spaces, he is capable of bouncing around the walls in order to confuse, and then strike opponents. He can use this power for support as well, by activating his powers while holding someone. This can allow him limited flight. He can only use the air that he breathes to propel himself through

Weather Manipulation
He can sense, create, shape, and manipulate weather, such as the meteorological patterns, creating rain, wind, hail, lightning, snow, sleet, fog and temperature changes. This includes the ability to generate various natural phenomena or control the intensity of the weather in highly concentrated (inside room) or vastly extended (continental) areas

⭐️ With his new Stand, Weather Report, he has more control and strength with manipulating the weather ⭐️


Stand: Weather Report

Stand: Weather Report

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