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1 Week Later


Renjun and his team took all of their recruited members back to their worlds, starting in descending order from The Boyz all the way back to Stray Kids.

They all bid their goodbyes until the next time they would get to hang out or work together again.

After making sure that they were all back home safely, they spent some time helping Tristin fix the rest of the things he had destroyed and stayed with him as he apologized to everyone he had affected.

After they were done, however, Tristin thought that he would have to prepare to return to his old home with Tayden, but instead, Renjun insisted that he join them to hang out.

Even though he didn't know what to expect, he still complied and went with them.


Redwood City


"This city

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"This city.... It's really big.."

Tristin was in awe by how busy and huge the city was, but he also felt intimidated by it.

"It gets better once you get used to it hyung. Don't worry about the size too much"

Yuta reassured him with a smile.

"Hyung is right. It's actually pretty small once you get used to it. Our school, Redwood Academy, isn't too far from here actually"

"And the Redwood Police Department where Xansho, Seiki, and Vexxen work at is just ten minutes from here too on the outskirts of the city"

Nitro and Renjun added.

"Aren't those the three that have been after you all from your childhood?"

"That's right~. But they couldn't really be held accountable for their actions since they were just three brothers being controlled by my uncle. So we gave all of them a job where they could work together~"

"Jeez.. You all have really been through a lot.. And I only added to it.."

"There's nothing to worry about hyung. A lot of what happened may have been your doing, but you've atoned for everything over the course of the past week. We make it our mission to ensure that everyone gets to live a happy life, if there's a way that we can save them and help them achieve that. There may be times where we can't save everyone, but we were able to save you"

"...I really appreciate everything you all have done for me, Tayden, Doni-hyung. Thank you so much Renjun"

"Don't mention it hyung~"

Patting the older on the back, Renjun noticed how a few of the others had split off in directions for different stores, including Xinrei.

"Hey hyung, why don't you accompany Xinrei? I'm sure you'll find him at that glasses shop down there~"

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