Do you guys have a thing?

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"Well we're here." Luke said as he turned the wheel and he parked in a parking spot next to a bunch of cars.

"Wow there's a lot of people here." I said as I scanned the crowd of different colored cars.

"Yeah, now get out." Luke said. "Why?" I asked as I glared over at him. "I'm changing ..... Duh." He said making the 'duh' face. "Oh right, wait why don't you just change inside?" I asked as I opened the door and I was about to slide out but I paused.

"Cuz I want everyone to see us matching right when we get there." Luke smiled.

"But I have clothes above my bikini so they won't notice right away sooo." My voice trailed.

"Get out of the damn car." He growled. "Right." I said as I slid out and started to laugh to myself as I shut it. Oh Luke, he's a charm isn't he? Only he can boss me around like that though.

If any other guy treated me like that, oh say hello to goodbye. I crossed my arms as I leaned on Luke's car.

A couple of people walked by while laughing and talking. I haven't seen Ashton and Calum in forever. I was glad I get to see them again.

I was always use to growing up with guy friends so it's normal for me to be around guys. That's why I wasn't uncomfortable when those guys checked me out.

But Luke was, and I didn't understand why. Luke has never ever been jealous around me, so why act now? Oh well, why should I care anyways. He's just a friend. Well, best friend.

I heard a car door slam and I heard footsteps coming near me. Suddenly Luke appeared with a black tank top and his swim trunks. "You ready?" I asked as I checked him out. Wait, I didn't just do that did I?

"Ew stop staring." Luke teased as he glare at me with a smirk formed on his pink lips. "Shut up." I laughed as I walked away.

We entered the big house and we saw that it was full of teenagers. Maybe some people in there 20's too. "Let's go find Ashton and Calum." Luke said in my ear so I could hear him through the loud catchy music.

The song "waisted" was playing as we walked through the crowd. The song was very catchy but the meaning of it was horrible. "It makes it easier to faaake it." I sang lowly as I began to sway my hips while I walked past people.

Luke followed close behind, not really looking like he had a fond of people. That's the thing about Luke. He had a hard time getting use to new people and he always feels out of his comfort zone. But I always bring out his good side so that's why he's always with me.

"Ugh there's so much people." Luke mumbled angrily as he walked closer behind me.

"We're almost there." I said. We finally got out of the large crowd and we walked outside where the pool was. More people were playing ping pong and laughing and drinking.

Geez I wish Luke told me how huge this was going to be. A lot of guys started checking me out as I walked past unfamiliar people. My eyes scanned the crowd as I kept walking, searching for Ashton.

"ABBY!" I heard a voice in the distance. Finally my eyes set on Ashton's hazel eyes. Happiness filled inside me as I looked at him. Gosh he looked so cute, it's like all the memories of me liking him came back.

"ASHTON!" I yelled, totally leaving Luke behind as I ran towards him and I wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his around my waist and spun me around.

"I missed you Ash!" I giggled as he swayed me. "I missed you too!" He giggled. "Hey Luke!" Ashton smiled as he gave Luke a bro hug. "Hey man." Luke smiled.

"Hey guys!" Calum said with a cup in his hand as he smacked Luke's back. "Hi!" We both said, giving him hugs.

After we talked for a while and catched up, I decided to go in the pool since it was hot. "I'm going in the pool, anyone wanna come with?" I asked as I kicked my sandals off.

"I'll stay for a while."


"Yeah later."

"Alright." I smiled as I looked at all of them. Ashton and Calum were laying down as Luke sat up.

I took off my top and my bottoms, getting a few whistles from people, and yes... Including some from Calum and Ashton.

"Shut up." I giggled as I threw my shirt at Ashton who was still whistling. "What you look hot." Ashton smirked as he pushed my shirt away. I rolled my eyes teasingly as I fixed my top.

I walked towards the pool and I jumped in and made friends easily.

Luke's P.O.V

"Soooo." Ashton's voice trailed as he looked at Abby as she made friends already. She's so good at that.

"Hm?" I hummed as I caught myself watching her too. I glanced over at Ashton who was smirking. "You and Abby are matching swim suits." Ashton smirked as he moved his face towards mine and he looked in my blue eyes.

"Yeah, why not. She wanted to." I chuckled. "So. Are you guys a thing?" Ashton asked.

"Yeah are you?" Calum asked as he slapped my arm. "Yeah are you?" Ashton giggled, slapping my arm too.

"What? No. No no." I said as I shook my head. "Ahhhhh I see." Ashton said as he nodded his head and he looked over at Abby again.

"Yeah, we're just friends." I waved off.

"So you wouldn't mind if I dated her?" Ashton said as he stared at her still which started to tick me off.

"What? Why?! You like her?" I said really quickly. Calum and Ashton both started laughing.

"Dude it's so obvious you like her." Ashton laughed.

"What? No." I scoffed. "What? Why? You like her?" Calum mocked in a girly voice. I shot him a death stare as they both started laughing.

My roommate LukeWhere stories live. Discover now