Waking up to 4 hungry boys

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Morning rose quicker then I thought, due to me going to bed at 2:03 am. The sun seeped through the curtains and shine right in my closed eyelids. I honestly wanted to sleep in for a little longer.

But I knew the boys would be up and wondering where on earth I am. And they would probably be in my room in a short amount of seconds if I don't come out when they cry for me. Ugh they're such kids. But eh, gotta love them.

You get use to them after awhile. And yes, they are annoying as heck. But still... Ya gotta love them. They are amazing friends really. They always got your back and they feel like family. And that's what I love about them.

I knew I would be hungry sometime soon, and of course I knew the boys would be too. They are probably awake right now, well it depends what the time is.

I moaned as I lifted up my arms, stretching them so far up their touching the bed post. I yawned as I stretched my legs really far. I was so tired. I was so comfy too. Maybe I should just rest for just a couple of min-

"Goodmorning love!" I heard Ashton say, causing my eyes to shot open. My eyes met Calum's since he was laying on his stomach, on half of the bed near my legs. My eyes shifted towards Luke who was smiling with his legs crissed crossed. Then Michael who was laying down too with the palm of his hands rested on his chin.

A big grin was on all of their faces and I hated it. Then I looked over at Ashton who WAS IN MY COVERS AND LAYING THIS CLOSE TO ME.

I was mad that they were in my room, I'm not a morning person.

"What are you guys doing here!" I said after looking at all of them. "We wanted to wake you up!" Calum cheered. I gave him a death glare.

"Oh I forgot to tell ya mates, she's not a morning person." Luke said as he looked at all of the guys, then he smirked up at me.

Fire flamed in my eyes as I looked at him. "Oooooo" they all said. "And of course you would know that because you live with the girl." Michael smirked.

Luke smirked also as he looked over at Michael. "I want all of you out!" I yelled. "But we want breakfast!" Ashton whined. "And you especially! Get out of my bed!" I said as I looked over at him, ignoring his comment.

"But Abby we want food! Plus we wanted to watch you cuddle yourself while you sleep. It's quit cute actually." Calum grinned.

"I hate all of you." I muttered as I started to pull the sheets off me.

"Aww we love you too!" Ashton cheered.

I rolled my eyes as I was trying to get out. "Calum will you get off of my legs please!" I whined as he sat right on them. "Nope." He said, popping the 'P'

"Uhhhh." I groaned. "We wanna cuddle!" Michael chimed.

My eyes widened as I stared at them. "No! No cuddling!" I said as I shook my hands.

"CUDDLE AND CRUSH ABBY!" Michael yelled as I screamed and tried to get out. They all got off their butts and stomachs and they walked towards me on my freaking bed.

"No!" I screamed as I literally fell on the floor since my legs were tangled in the sheets. "Get her!" Ashton laughed as he pointed at me. "Leave me alone!" I said as I tried to get up.

Right when I stood on my feet, I dashed for it but I felt a strong arm wrap around my stomach and grip my waist with their hand. I was only wearing a tank top and leggings and socks.

"Calum!" I yelled as I turned around to see who it was. He gave me a playful grin before pushing me on the bed and he crawled on me. "Calum!" I barked as he sat on my stomach.

"Hey don't hog her!" Michael whined.

"I want Abby all to myself!" Ashton hissed.

"Guys get off her!" Luke growled.

I struggled to get out of Calum's grip but I was flipped around and all of the boys wrapped their arms around me. Great, just great.

I huffed as my hair was in my face and it blew upwards. Calum's strong arms were wrapped around my stomach, Ashton's was wrapped around my other side of my stomach. Michael was on top of Calum and Ashton. And Luke was near my hips. "Guys I can't breath! AND I DONT WANNA CUDDLE!" I said madly.

"The more you talk, the longer we hold you." Ashton smirked.

"Boysssss please." I whaled.

"No!" They all said at the same time which caused me to flinch. "We wanna cuddle." Michael said.

"Oh what is it with you boys and cuddling?" I scoffed.

"Don't know, we just love it." Calum said as he nuzzled his head in my neck which gave me the chills.

I madly looked up at the ceiling as everyone else was satisfied. I couldn't take it anymore. Ashton and Calum were breathing ON MY NECK AND IT TICKLES!

"OH MY GOD A UNICORN!" I screamed as I stared at the window.

"WHERE!" They all yelled as they shot up. I smirked evilly before pushing Calum and Ashton off me and I ran for it.

"HEY COME BACK!" Ashton whined.

"how did we fall for that!" Calum groaned.

"Come on idiots lets go!" Luke yelled before I heard their footsteps follow mine.

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