Throbbing head=breakfast in bed

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Abby's P.O.V
I groaned as I felt my head throb in pain. It felt like I was asleep for ages as I finally woke up. I moaned in pain as I felt something ice cold against my head. I slowly moved my hand to grab it off but I felt it first. Ice pack.

I weakly gripped it with my hand and I started to slid it off since it was to heavy for me to lift, due to my weakness. "No no, don't do that love." I heard Calum say. I slowly fluttered my eyes open, blinking. A few times to adjust the blurriness.

I moaned again, deciding weither to speak or not. "Where am I... What happened?" I mumbled weakly. "Your in your bed and you slipped and fell on the floor." Ashton said. "Am I at the hospital?" I asked.

They all looked at each other before responding. "Well were pretty sure we didn't carry you in your bed, all the way to a hospital." Luke giggled. All of the boys started giggling but stopped once they realized I wasn't joining.

"My head hurts." I whined as I placed my hand over the cold ice pack. "We know Abby, but it's ok!" Michael said happily. "Michael." I mumbled. "Hmm?" He hummed as he scooted closer to me. "Your happiness disturbs me." I said in a teasing way. They all started laughing as a smile formed on my lips.

"Aw cheer up babe. You will get better soon." Ashton said as he rested his hand on my thigh. "Do you want anything to eat?" Calum asked. "Yeah, I'm quite hungry actually." I said as I looked at him.

"Come on lads! Lets cook the lady some breakfast!" Calum said. They all cheered before kissing me on the cheek and jumping off my bed, leaving it wrinkly.

They all cheered as they ran down the hall, leaving me alone. There gonna burn the house down.

Minutes have gone by and so far all I've heard was laughter and the pan sizzling.

"How do you use this?"

"Is this to much salt?"

"I think I burnt the toast."

"Crap it burnt my finger!"

I heard them say down the hall. Haha idiots. I was so tempted to get up and see what on earth those boys were doing. They could burn the place down!

I finally sat up, throwing my legs over the side of the bed, ignoring the throbbing. I lifted my arm, only to feel it being tugged back. My eyes widened as I yanked my arm even more. Why is there rope wrapped around my arm!!!

There gonna burn the house down with me stuck to the bed!! I'm gonna die!! I began to panic as I yanked my arm constantly, only making my arm burn. It hurt as I tugged it, I'm guessing there's gonna be a bruise there soon.

But I kept tugging it. I even tried to untangle it with my free hand but it was so thick and tight. 5 minutes went by and all of the boys already came back with treys in their hands.

"We knew you would get up but we didn't want you to leave since you need rest." Calum said as he looked at my wrist that was stuck. I huffed as I looked at him. "We made you breakfast!" Ashton cheered as he walked over to me.

Oh, I would of never guessed. (Sarcasm)

"Thank you." I mumbled as Luke walked over to me with a big smile on his face. He sat right next to me as he set the trey on the bed. "Now just rest your feet on here." Luke said as he grabbed my legs and he rested them on his lap. He smiled at me before showing me what they made.

"We made toast, bacon, and eggs." Luke said as he looked down at it.
"Mmmm." I hummed as I gawked at the food. Gosh I wanted to eat it so badly. "Do you want-" before Luke could finish, my eyes grew big and I snatched a piece of toast and took a huge bite of it.

"Well someone's hungry." Luke smirked as the boys chuckled at me.

"Mmm, this is so good, thank you." I mumbled with some toast in my mouth. "Yeah chew with your mouth closed love, before we strap your other wrist up." Luke said as he set the trey on my lap.

We all quietly ate all together, obviously enjoying our food. "Wow that was really good boys, thank you." I said as I whipped my face with my sleeve.

"Your welcome." They all said.

"I get the most credit since I came up with the idea!" Calum said as he raised his arm up.

"That's not fair! We made the food!" Ashton said.

"Still my idea." Calum said.

"You burnt the toast you idiot." Michael laughed before all the boys started rambling about food. Wow, these boys are idiots.

Hmm, maybe they won't notice me trying to escape. This rope really hurts. I secretly wrapped my fingers through the rope and I started to tug it. I kept tugging it till it loosened and I started to untie it with one hand.

I finally got it off and it glided on the ground, causing me to stare at the boys to see if they heard it fall. But they were to busy in a dumb argument.

I smirked as I threw my legs over the bed and I was just about to stand up before I felt a hand slip around my waist. "I wouldn't do that Abby." Luke smirked up at me. "Ugh great, I'm trapped in my own room." I scoffed as I sat down.

To my surprise, Luke didn't take his arm off of me just yet.

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