Abby's POV
I woke up to the nature of life. Birds chirping near the window, the sounds of lawn mowers going off, and the bright sun seeping through our creamed colored curtains. Even though I was awake mentally, I didn't bother opening my eyes. It felt nice, to be in a pair of soft, warm, long, strong, muscular, protective arms. I was never really use to sleeping in someone's arms.
I was always use to sleeping alone. I never really liked being alone though to be honest. It was just a common thing. I had no one to hold really. But I've always had Luke. I knew that if me and Luke always showed physical attraction, we would like each other. And it would be harder for us to just stay as friends. I guess that's what I wanted. Was to just stay as friends.
But was that what I really wanted now? I guess I wanted more then that. I wanted to kiss him, hug him, tell him he's my one and only, tell him that I'll always be his girl. I wanted him as much as he wanted me. But why now? Why does all of these feelings come now? Why do I fall for Luke after I date his best friend?! Could I ruin their friendship?
This was all to much for me. I shouldn't even be in Luke's arms right now. But everything feels right. Everything falls perfectly in place when I'm with him. The feeling is like when your doing a puzzle. Fist off, all of the pieces are of course dumped into a pile. Then you run your hands through it, scattering it all over the table. Then you start picking up the pieces one by one until it's fully finished. Like everything fell perfectly in place.
But that's not how I felt around Ashton. I felt different. I felt sometimes uneasy. Like it was two puzzle pieces scattered in one pile, with a bunch of pieces missing. We were somehow different. Ashton has always been the bossy jealous type. He was always possessive over his girl friends. But what on earth am I doing?! I shouldn't be comparing them! Gosh this is horrible!
I snapped out of my thoughts immediately, feeling guilty for even thinking such things. My thoughts were interrupted as I felt my head slowly rise and fall. I fluttered my eyes open and adjusted them before my view came clear. I looked around to see the blankets still held up in a fort position. I slowly looked down at my hand to see that it was on Luke's chest. I lifted up my head from Luke's chest and my eyes scanned his beautiful face.
His mouth was partly open, soft snores escaping his perfect lips. It was like a dream honestly. Waking up in a handsome mans arms. The way he slept was just amazing. He slept like an angel. I smiled as I slowly ran my hand through his soft blonde hair. Gosh he was perfect. I didn't wanna bother him anymore so I untangled my hand from his hair and I just glanced at him for the longest time, studying his features.
I looked at his lips, feeling something in my stomach. I believe.... Butterflies? I wanted to kiss his lips so badly. But he isn't mine. It took everything in me to not just wake him up with kisses from my lips. Why didn't I just tell Luke how I truly felt? Yes I've always liked Luke as a friend but I've come to realize that I've liked him more then that all along.
He could be mine. And oh my gosh what a gift would that be. To be able to have Luke Hemmings as my boyfriend. He's the best guy I've ever met. He's just so easy to love, yet so easy to break. Just like me. It tore me apart piece by piece just watching him cry because he loves me. He was heartbroken. And so was I. Because I myself, love Luke Hemmings.
My eyes widened as I felt Luke's hand that was on my waist, tighten and he pulled me closer to his chest. He wrapped more of his arm securely around me before he moaned and moved his head to be in a better position. I smiled as I looked down at him, loving the feeling of his hand wrapped around my bare waist since he always accidentally moves my shirt up.
He's so handsome.
Am I asleep? Am I awake? Or somewhere in between?
I can't believe that you are here and lying next to me. Or did I dream that we were perfectly entwine?
Like branches on a tree. Or twigs caught on a vine.
Like alls those days and weeks and months I try to steal a kiss. And all those sleepless nights and day dreams where I picture this. I'm just the underdog that finally got the girl.
Am I am not afraid to tell her to the world.
Truly, madly, deeply, I am. Foolishly completely Fallin'
And somehow you kicked all my walls in. So baby say you'll always keep me.
Truly madly crazy deeply in love. With you. In love, with you.
Should I put coffee and granola on a tray in bed? And wake you up will all the words that I still haven't said. Intend to touch is just to show you how I feel.
Or should I act so cool like it was no big deal? Wish I could freeze this moment in a frame and stay like this. I'll put this day on replay and keep reliving it.
Cuz here's the tragic truth if you don't feel the same. My heart would fall apart if someone said your name.
Truly, madly, deeply, I am. Foolishly completely Fallin'
And somehow you kicked all my walls in. So baby say you'll always keep me.
Truly madly crazy deeply in love. With you. In love, with you.
I hope I'm not a casualty, hope you won't get up and leave. Might not mean that much to you but to me is everything. Everything.
I smiled kindly with love in my eyes as i stared at Luke. Gosh I was so in love with him. "I'm so in love with you." I whispered a breath. I didn't even realized I said that out loud. Did Luke hear me?! God I really hope not. I shrugged before slowly leaning my head back on to his chest, intertwining our legs together to keep me warm. Now this is a feeling I always wanna feel with Luke. I wish I could just freeze this moment right now, and stay like this forever.
Luke's POV
"I'm so in love with you." Abby whispered, causing my heart to flutter. I could picture Abby looking down at me, her cheeks flushing red of embarrassment. Obviously she didn't mean to say that out loud. I decided to act like I was dead asleep. I didn't want her to come up with some kind of excuse to tell me she didn't mean what she said. I just wanted to fall asleep to her beautiful words that I wish I could ask her to repeat.
My heart beated fast as I felt Abby snuggle into my chest. Her tiny body was so warm against mine but her legs were cold. Suddenly she wrapped her legs around mine until they were tangled perfectly. I smiled to myself, loving this feeling already. I've always pictured this. Me and Abby laying down together, cuddling. I held her tighter and closer to my body, craving more of her warmth.
She slowly nuzzled her face in my neck, causing my breath to hitch. Goosebumps appeared on my skin as her breath fans my bare neck. Her arm around my waist soon tightens as she squeezed me closer to her. I couldn't help but keep my silly smile on my lips as I looked up at our fort. Gosh she was so perfect in so many ways.
Maybe its the way she snuggles you like a pillow, or the way she sips her tea while staring at you with her beautiful gem green eyes. Maybe it's just everything about her that I love. Abby is just literally perfect. Why can't I just have her as mine? Calling someone theirs was harder then I expected. But even if this leads to no where but a dead end, it's at least worth holding her in my arms while I still have the chance.
Yes, this is wrong. Holding my best friends girlfriend in my arms but who am I kidding? Abby is my bestest friend and I've always loved her. I can't just not love her because someone is with her. You can't just get over someone you love. I do love Abby. I truly love her. And I don't think I'll ever be able to get over her.
I've always heard that there will always be that one person who you will never stop having feelings for. I thought that was dumb honestly, until it happened to me. I'm very positive that I won't be getting over Abby soon nor will I ever. She's so easy to love, yet so hard to get. But that's what I love about her. She's not all that easy. She has walls too. Just like everyone else.
But I've broken down many because I cared enough to see what was behind them. It wasn't just because I was curious, it was because I cared. And I helped Abby with many of her old problems. That's why she isn't always so stressed. But I have a feeling she will be getting stressed soon. I don't know why but my mind tells me that she's having war with liking both me and Ashton.
And honestly, I hope she choses me. I honestly deserve her. I know everything about her. But the one thing i absolutely don't know about yet... Is how she feels about me.

My roommate Luke
FanfictionYou and Luke Hemmings have been best friends ever since you both were in pre-K. You and Luke finally have enough money to both rent a house together. You and Luke don't have any feelings for each other, so it seems. You both catch yourselves wonderi...