Stop staring

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Abby's P.O.V

I glanced over at Luke again, feeling something weird in my stomach.

Was it butterflies? Or just a hungry stomach?

I didn't know, and I couldn't figure it out since I was actually really hungry since I didn't eat squat at that party.

Gosh Luke looks so good in snap backs. He is just plain adorable.

The way his eyes light up when the sun hits them, or the way his lips curve into a smile.

Or the way- "Ew stop staring you pervert." Luke groaned in a weird voice as he looked over at me.

My eyes widened as I realized I was totally staring at him. Wait, was I just now counting the things I liked about him? And was I blushing?

What's happening to me? I quickly looked away, causing Luke to laugh. I started to laugh along too, feeling totally embarrassed.

"What is there something on my face?" Luke asked as he looked at the road then back at me.

'No it's just that you're adorable' OMG ABBY SHUT UP.

"What did I not shave? What? What is it?" Luke asked as one hand continued to stay locked on the wheel while the other was somewhere on his lap.

I just remained silent. I didn't know what to say, and I didn't want him to see my rosy cheeks.

"Tell me!" Luke laughed as he punched my arm.

"Ow." I groaned playfully as I grabbed my arm.

"Tell me." He begged.

"So nosy." I smirked as I released my hand away from my arm, letting it fall to my lap. I looked out the widow as Luke continued to gawk at me.

"What you think I'm cute?" Luke smirked. "No." I instantly said.

"Oh so I'm ugly." Luke faked cried.

"Noooo I didn't mean it like that." I said as I looked over at him. He smiled as he stopped playing his act and he looked out the window.

"Then what? Why were you staring at me for such a long time?" He asked.

Geez he wanted to know so badly. It's kinda cute actually. I didn't want to tell him though,and I didn't want to say "just cuz" either because then it's obvious I have interest in him... Which I don't!

He's just a best friend, nothing less, nothing more.

Then a smirk formed on my lips as I realized Luke was gawking at me.

"EWWW stop staring at me!" I teased as I looked at him and scooted as far away as I could.

"Oh shut up!" Luke laughed. "You know I always stare at you cuz you're beautiful." Luke said as I laughed.

Whoa, did he just... Wait what? Did he just call me beautiful. And he always stares at me?!

My cheeks heated even more as I closed my mouth. "Aw Luke that's so nice." I smiled as I looked away. If he saw my face right now, I would be caught dead.

He would know I'm blushing.

Ugh why is Luke being so cute right now.

"What? I'm just talking truth here." Luke shrugged as he looked at me and then the road.

"Thanks but no thanks." I grinned as I looked over at him. "You better think you're beautiful abby. How many times do I have to remind you that you are." Luke said as he looked at the road.

I just sat in silence and I shrugged.

"Looks like I'll be reminding you everyday then." Luke mumbled before we pulled inside our parking lot.

I gulped, feeling my heart flutter and a set of butterflies being leashed out in my stomach.

Luke got out of the car before I could open my mouth to speak. I got out of the car too and I followed close behind him as he unlocked the door, pushing it open.

The cold air welcomed my face as I walked in. It's always so cold in here. A shiver went down my spine as I wrapped my arms around my stomach.

I was still in my bikini. So I was freezing my butt off right now.

I was so tempted to just jump in the couch and just hid in it so I could be warm.

"Cold?" Luke's voice startled me, causing me to jump.

"Oh um.... Kinda." I said as I began to shiver. "Here." Luke smirked as he grabbed his jacket from a coat hanger and he walked over to me.

"Oh no I'm fine I'll get a blanket." I said as I put my hand in front of me to stop him. "Don't be silly, take it." Luke said.

I looked at his eyes before sighing and grabbing his jacket.

My roommate LukeWhere stories live. Discover now