The last chapter

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*1 year later*

Abby's POV

I groaned as I looked at all of my clothes that were finally out of the boxes. It didn't take long to move, but it took me a while to unpack because the boys would always invite me over. What a way to keep me busy I guess. Plus Luke was always worried about me which is cute. He always called me everyday to make sure I was alright and he would come over and help me unpack whenever I was stressed.

The thing that was getting me super stressed out was that I couldn't find my stripped bikini that matched Luke's. Luke invited me to go out swimming with him, just the two of us. I always loved going on dates with Luke because he always took me to the best places. Plus I loved being with him.

Luke told me to wear my striped bikini but I can't find it anywhere! Where the heck is it?! I thought I packed it. Hmm, maybe I forgot it at Luke's house. I sighed before I stood up and I walked out of my room and into the living room. I opened the door and I walked out, hopping off the porch. I walked really fast towards Luke's house because I wanted to find my swim suit. I finally reached his house since it only takes like 40 seconds to walk there, and I walked up his porch. Dang I miss this house, it was beautiful inside. Not that mine isn't, it's just this one was way better.

I opened the door and I walked inside, looking around to see If anyone was around. Even though only Luke lived here. "Luke? It's me!" I called out as I closed the door. I huffed as I didn't spot him anywhere. Oh well, just go find your bathing suit. I walked past all of the rooms until I walked into my old empty room. I smiled as I remembered all the memories I shared in this room. It's so plain looking now. I frowned as I walked towards the corner and I found a rapper from a piece of gum, but no swim suit.

"Where is it?" I mumbled. I sighed as I walked out and I walked over to Luke's room. "Luke?" I said as I knocked on the door. I opened the door when I heard nothing but silence. "Luke?" I sung as I walked in. I frowned even more as I didn't even see him. Where the heck is he? Something caught my eye as they trailed to the floor. My bathing suit! Why is it in here? Oh well, I'm just glad I found it.

As I walked over to it, I jumped because I heard the sound of a closed door. I turned around, wondering who it was. I saw a shadow come my way and my heart beat increased. I sighed in relief once I saw Luke, wearing only his trunks. "Hey babe." Luke smiled as he walked over to me and kissed me. "Hi, where were you?" I asked after kissing him back.

"The bathroom." Luke shrugged as he walked towards his desk. "Figures, I just came here to grab my swim suit. I didn't know you had it." I said as I watched him. "I didn't know either, I'm sure it's over there." Luke said as he pointed at the corner. He looked really nervous. His cheeks were bright pink. I narrowed my eye brows at him, trying to figure him out. Hmm.

I shrugged it off before I walked over to my bathing suit. "I swear Luke, you better have not ruined this bathing suit or I'll kill-" I gasped as I picked up my bikini and something fell out of it. I looked back towards Luke to see him nervously smile at me. He looked back at the ground before smiling even more. What is going on? I looked at the ground and my eyes widen. No way.

I gasped as I bent down, picking up a small item. Once my fingers laced around it, I stood up to admire it. Oh my god. It's a ring. A real one. "Luke." I whispered, feeling my heart pound like a drum. I turned around, gasping even more as I saw Luke down on one knee. This isn't happening. Oh my god.

"Luke." I whimpered as tears fell down my face. Oh my god this is happening. "Abby." Luke smiled as he looked at me. I started to shake as I pressed my hands over my lips. This is actually happening. Oh my god.

"First off I just wanted to say how much of a blessing you are to me Abby. From the first day I met you, you saved me and changed me. I have loved you from the very begging Abby, and I wanna love you till the end. I remember one day I went to your fathers house and I asked if I could marry you, and he said that I was the best man you could ever be with. He told me how happy you always were whenever you were around me. And I can't tell you how happy I was to hear that Abby. I love you so much and I want to protect you, care for you, and love you for as long as I can live. I wouldn't be here right now if it weren't for you. So Abby.... Will you marry me?" Luke asked.

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