Chapter 36

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Azriel, Cassian, and I met to make a plan for my parents and their legion to the east. First, I would go into the camp and walk straight for my parents house. I'd wear a cloak to cover my wings and Illyrian fighting leathers.

Then, Cassian and Azriel would make their grand entrance. And the rest... was under my jurisdiction from there.

We flew to the camp the next morning, moving slow as my wings adjusted to longer bouts of travel. When we got there, we landed some ways away from the camp. Cassian took the cloak from his satchel and drew it around my shoulders and clasped it at my neck. He then went about smudging dirt into my face and I laughed when he ticked my neck.

"There you go, miss runaway." He says with a wink and poked my nose for added measure. I smacked his arm.

"Yeah, yeah. That's enough."

Azriel took my hand and kissed the top of my head. "You ready?" He asks gently, thumb rubbing across my knuckles.

I nodded. "Yes I am." Those familiar shadows curled around my ankles as I released his hand and walked away towards the entrance of the camp.

And this time, I sent my own shadows to curl around his wrists and wrap around his fingers, as if I was there holding them.

I approached the entrance to the camp and the guards spotted me and shouted, "Halt!"

"Wait, it's me! A-Adrianna Meridian."

They looked at one another in stunned confusion. "Weren't you married off?"

"H-He was a traitor. I am abandoned." I said softly, voice shaking for added measure. "S-So I came h-home."

A guard stomped down the slight hill to me and pulled back my hood. "Mother, it is Adrianna." He grabbed my arm roughly and pulled me up the hill towards the camp. Azriel's shadows on my ankles tightened even more. I tightened mine around his hands so he'd know it was ok.

"Look! Adrianna the camp entertainer is back!" He said and roughly shoved me towards a group of men who laughed and jeered at me. I was with most of them, some more than once. I clenched my jaw as they all grabbed at me and I merely swatted their hands away.

"Where are my parents?" I gritted out, voice hard as stone. I voice they had never heard from me.

I knew now Cassian and Azriel were moving into position, getting ready.

"Same place they always are." One man said, jutting his jaw towards my old house.

I looked to it and stuffed down the memories, and merely turned away from them and walked with purpose towards the building. I had a small gathering following me now, others looking up front their tents to watch me bang on the door, hand balled into a tight fist.

Azriel's shadows curled up my calves slightly, supporting me. Keeping me steady. I could do this. I could face them. For all the did to me. They would suffer. They would pay. I am the High Lord's daughter, the Spymaster's Assassin and mate. They are beneath me.

The door opened and my fake father looked out at me, and for a moment he was surprised, then his face soured into disgust.

"Adrianna? Aren't you married? Shouldn't you be warming your husband's bed?" Poisoned words laced with contempt.

I would not shrink back. "I'm afraid not, father. You married me off to a traitor to the Nigh Court. A spy for Hybern of all people, so I'd say your judgement in that matter is very skewed. The High Lord has him imprisoned at this very moment."

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